Monday, April 18, 2011

4 months down.

I thought I'd be nice, and lead with a teaser.  Of our lovely, annoying, cute, hyper, frustratingly loving pupper, Petey.  He knows he's cute, and he knows he rules the roost.  Most days.

We're 4 months into this ridiculous remote tour.  I've already went to see him for a week, and It.Was.Awesome.  We both had a blast, and it was beautifully weird being there without any children.  I asked if we could have babies some day, but he said no.  Something about already having two at home. 
I don't get them sometimes.

It already feels like eons ago that I went to Greenland- and I'm ready for his mid-tour already.  Hopefully he will be coming home in June, he's really really missing the dog. 

Er, I mean the kids.

He's excited to do fun things with them like this. ^

Hopefully we'll be able to afford another trip for me to go to Greenland in September, so we'll wait and see how that pans out.  Only 8 more months left- I think I can. I think I can.

I have these little things running around here calling me Mama that keep me insane grounded.

I'm pretty partial to them.  Bryant is too.  I think we'll keep them. 

Austin told me he loved me the other day. It went like this...


"Yeah bud..."

"I love you Mom."

"I love you too bud, and I'm glad you love me, because I was about to trade you in."


*chirp chirp....*

"No you wouldn't MOM!"


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