Sunday, May 3, 2009
Biggest Picture post in HISTORY! (beware)
Readers, or rather, viewers, beware. There are a zillion pictures in this post. I'm not joking! It's pictures from almost the past month.... and I had a very hard time deciding which pictures to post and which didn't make the cut.... enjoy :) Descriptions are under the pictures.
Mommy and Daddy got the cradle that Austin slept in when he was a baby all gussied up. Bry, his dad, and Uncle Paul got it all put together with bedding today. All ready for the Lil Miss!
One of my favorite pictures. Austin was outside playing with bubbles for awhile last night and I captured this.... I just love it.
Gramps and Austin playing with Bubbles
Uncle Paul chasing the bubbles.... I hope he doesn't see this, because he might kill me :)
Austin is thiiiiiiiiis big!!!
Austin chasing after bubbles
Had to get a photo of the bubbles.... the colors are crazy!
Austin wanted to do it all by himself....
Chasing bubbles.... not realizing there was one right behind him
Getting bubbles...
Austin at the Train Depot sitting with his favorite number. Number 6!
Family picture at the Train Depot
Daddy and Austin checking out all the facts about the train
Dad Hines standing with the "Big Mike" train facts....
Running down the train tracks
Boise Train Depot. Which, for those of you who are interested.... is closed most days of the week. The only days/times it is open is Sunday and Monday from noon-4pm. WEIRD
Austin with the cool train
The "Big Mike"..... built in 1920!
Austin talkin' to his Papa on the phone
Austin calls these his SuperStar glasses. He got them at Brayden's birthday party
Daddy and Austin in their superstar glasses
Meet Dr. Austin. We stole Bryant's cap he wore during surgery to bring home to Austin. He likes to pretend he's a doctor, and he loved this
Just SOME of the clothes that we've washed for Sydney. She's SOOOO spoiled already!
Austin with his sissy's pacifiers..... it's already starting....eeks!
Austin got his much awaited "Emily" train from Nana and Papa for Easter! Boy was he EVER excited!!!
And he got the Pinocchio (sp?) movie from Uncle Nic and Auntie Jen
Unc is helping him get his tools out of his new tool box
Opening all his Easter presents.... you'd think this was an only child, and the first grandbaby...AND first nephew! GEESH! Spoiled boy!
Opening his new book from Gramps and Grams Hines.... Bearenstien Bears.... I loved these books!
Tear it open buddy
His little cousins kinda like him! :) He's pretty fond of them too!
Austin with his Nana and Papa on Easter
Both my grandpas talking... they even got their fingers a-waggin!
Grandma Mona with [almost] all her great grandbabies
Austin and [my brother] Uncle Nic
Finding Easter Eggs. The only time you can get pictures of my brother with him smiling and NOT flipping the camera off are when he's with Austin....
Austin on the hunt for Easter Eggs!
Score! I found one!!
Austin and all this girly cousins! Poor boy needed cousin Skylar for help!
Austin at his Grandma and Grandpa McUne's lining up his Easter Egg finds
Sitting with his daddys old big blue bear
Kicking the big ball.... he loves these kind of balls!
Austin and his Grandma Dee coloring Easter Eggs
We've got one silly little boy!
Austin coloring his eggs
Watching the eggs turn colors....ohhhhh!!!
He's really wanting to dip his hands in and pull them out
Austin opening up his "big brother" gift (a Thomas the Train knot blanket) from Auntie Jen and Uncle Nic!
Riding on Papa GG's tractor... he loved it!!
The three wonderful, beautiful women who threw me my Baby Shower. Thank you & I love you!!!
Me and my beautiful Momma
Gorgeous flowers for my shower
Decorations for my baby shower! Loved it!!
Austin showing off his finished product of Easter Egg dying at Nana and Papa's
A very impatient little boy!
Stirring his egg
He wanted to put all the stirring spoons into one color.... which was fine, until he moved ALL of them to another color.... and then another color....and another....
Papa is helping Austin with the egg coloring
Austin has a suuuuuper nice Nana.... she gives him Ice Cream every night! :)
Austin LOOOOOOVES his Jeep that his Unc and Auntie got him.... he's sooo stinkin spoiled! He closed his eyes half the time while driving this....what a weirdo!!! :)
What a ham!!!
Playing in his Jeep with Nana and Papa
Losing all the money that Nana made on the Poker game.... he's good at that! :)
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