Friday, December 4, 2009
Friday's Favorites
It's FRIDAY!!! yahoooo!!! The weekend... yeah! It's been a pretty slow week around here. Monday, Sydney had her 6 month check up. I can't believe she's already half a year old. It's sort of traumatizing for me! She's doing well though- growing growing growing! Her stats prove that she's starting to grow length wise, which is great; however, once she starts losing all these adorable chubby rolls, I think it will be sad. I love her chunky legs, and cheeks. They're so adorable. She got her shots Monday as well. She was incredibly tired at her appointment, so she was already grouchy, and the shots just topped it off. She got her H1N1 vaccine as well. She has to go back in 30 days for her second dose of H1N1 as well as her regular seasonal flu shot. Babies have to get 2 doses to be protected. Since her shots, she has been SO HAPPY. And I'm not saying that sarcastically either! She's been sleeping well, taking naps, and just happier in general. It's been a wonderful break for me, and it's been nice to get my sanity in check again! Yesterday I took Austin in to get his H1N1 vaccine as well. When he got his 3 year shots, he still didn't know what was going to happen... however he obviously inserted the experience into his memory bank, because as soon as we got into the room at the shot clinic he flipped. He was not a happy camper, at all. He started crying as soon as we put him up on the table, and had to hold him down. The tech just swabbed his leg with the alcohol wipe, and he screamed so loud. I tried telling him that they hadn't even given him the shot yet, but by the time the words were out of my mouth, poke. And then it was over, and my ear drums were blown. That boy can scream!!!! He cried the whole time getting his pants and coat back on, all the way back out into the waiting room and half way out of the hospital. He also goes back in 30 days for a second dose of H1N1, and I am already dreading it!
Bryant cut Austin's hair into a mohawk over the weekend. I wasn't sure how I really felt about that, and thought he looked incredibly funny. However, it's been almost a week now, and it's kind of growing on me. He's so cute he can pull anything off. =) But, much to Bryant's dismay, as soon as the sides of his hair are grown out a little more, the 'hawk is going bye-bye. He looks much more handsome with a normal little boy haircut =) Not to mention my mom is appalled. Haha!!
This weekend will be another quiet one for us again. We are trying to save as much money as possible for our trip home in a couple weeks.
Here's my Friday's Favorites this week:
~My Christmas Tree. Its beautiful this year...
~The highchair. I've found that Sydney likes to sit in it and play, and is content for awhile so I can get things done---much needed...
~The ottoman. It's completely a "catch-all" for the kids' stuff... clothes, toys, books, wipes, etc... and while it does get cluttered, it also helps me in my procrastination habit, so I love it. =)
~Peppermint Mocha coffee creamer. It's a "holiday" flavor that only comes out around Christmas, and I absolutely love it. I'm thinking about buying a few bottles and freezing them. You can freeze milk, so why not creamer?
~The Polar Express. It's a kids movie- and I love it. Austin does as well. We recorded it on TV yesterday and watched it, and it's just a great movie.
~My Bounce Dryer Bar. You don't have to use dryer sheets with this. You just stick the bar to the inside of your dryer, and walah! And it makes the clothes smell GREAT!
I hope every ones week went well!
Bryant cut Austin's hair into a mohawk over the weekend. I wasn't sure how I really felt about that, and thought he looked incredibly funny. However, it's been almost a week now, and it's kind of growing on me. He's so cute he can pull anything off. =) But, much to Bryant's dismay, as soon as the sides of his hair are grown out a little more, the 'hawk is going bye-bye. He looks much more handsome with a normal little boy haircut =) Not to mention my mom is appalled. Haha!!
This weekend will be another quiet one for us again. We are trying to save as much money as possible for our trip home in a couple weeks.
Here's my Friday's Favorites this week:
~My Christmas Tree. Its beautiful this year...
~The highchair. I've found that Sydney likes to sit in it and play, and is content for awhile so I can get things done---much needed...
~The ottoman. It's completely a "catch-all" for the kids' stuff... clothes, toys, books, wipes, etc... and while it does get cluttered, it also helps me in my procrastination habit, so I love it. =)
~Peppermint Mocha coffee creamer. It's a "holiday" flavor that only comes out around Christmas, and I absolutely love it. I'm thinking about buying a few bottles and freezing them. You can freeze milk, so why not creamer?
~The Polar Express. It's a kids movie- and I love it. Austin does as well. We recorded it on TV yesterday and watched it, and it's just a great movie.
~My Bounce Dryer Bar. You don't have to use dryer sheets with this. You just stick the bar to the inside of your dryer, and walah! And it makes the clothes smell GREAT!
I hope every ones week went well!
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Thankful Thursday
It's THURSDAY! And I'm actually doing it on the right day... sooo on that note:
- I'm thankful that I remembered it was Thursday, so I could post my blog on the right day =)
- I'm thankful that my husband got free concert tickets for Monday night, and then asked me to come with him.... a night without kids... WHAT?!
- I'm thankful for having a great friend that offered to watch the kids for us so we can go... (Thanks Amanda)
- I'm thankful for Facebook. Yes, I am. It keeps me in touch with sooooo many people that I otherwise probably wouldn't be... and it's nice
- I'm thankful that the H1N1 vaccine that I got Monday hasn't made me sick. It hasn't made Sydney sick either... but she IS sleeping a ton... right on!
- I'm thankful that my whole house is healthy... this doesn't happen often... knock on wood...
- I'm thankful that my Christmas Tree is in front of our big window this year. I've always wanted to put our Christmas Tree in front of a window so I an open the blinds and people can see it all pretty when they drive by.... and now it is
- I'm thankful for the Video I saw yesterday online that made me laugh hysterically. A couple was getting married, and before the Officiant could pronounce them husband and wife, the groom pulled his phone out to update his Facebook Status. Then handed his wife her phone to do the same... priceless
- ......and I'm thankful it's Thursday!
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Monday, November 30, 2009
6 months
Sydney 6 months
Sweet Sydney,
Today you are 6 months old. I can't believe how fast time is going, it seems like just yesterday you were born. Maybe because you are our last baby things seem more magnified to me, more intense, more bittersweet.
You have changed so much in the past few months, it's shocking to me. At 6 months, you can now roll over from your back to your belly. You can laugh, the sweetest laugh. You grunt when we tickle you, and your eyes light up at the sight of your big brother. You follow him with your eyes everywhere he goes. The way you look at him melts my heart. You love him, I can tell that already. You now sleep in your crib at night. Although you wake up multiple times per night still, you are still in there none the less. We are working on getting you down for naps, although you aren't too fond of sleeping more than a half hour at a time during the day. Every now and then you will surprise me, like the other day, you took a 3 hour nap and I think I checked on you 90 times to make sure you were okay. I've recently realized that you like to sit in your highchair and play with your toys. It gives mommy a break, since you are spoiled and like to be held constantly. I definitely indulge you in that though. I am very guilty. =) You talk your baby talk like crazy. I could sit here and listen to you babble and squeal all day long. It warms my heart to watch you, especially when you look up and realize Mommy is watching you and you smile so big.
You had your first Holiday. It was Thanksgiving. I'm kicking myself, I didn't get one picture of you. That will bug me forever I think. But you did great. You ate rice cereal mixed with carrots while we ate our dinner.
The day after Thanksgiving is when we put up our Christmas Tree. Your eyes lit up when you saw it, and you just stared. All the lights and shiny stuff on it, you really liked.
Sydney you are a constant joy to me. The way you look at me, the light in your eyes, your sweet laughs, your coo's. You are always making me smile. No amount of sleepless nights, or cries could make me love you any less. You are such an amazing baby girl. Even though it is so bittersweet to see you grow (so so fast), a part of me can't wait to watch your personality blossom, and to see the little girl, and soon to be woman you will be become. I am so proud of you, and I burst with joy when people tell me how adorable and sweet you are. Yeah, that's MY baby girl. You are so amazing!
At 6 months, you can:
I love you sweet girl,
Today you are 6 months old. I can't believe how fast time is going, it seems like just yesterday you were born. Maybe because you are our last baby things seem more magnified to me, more intense, more bittersweet.
You have changed so much in the past few months, it's shocking to me. At 6 months, you can now roll over from your back to your belly. You can laugh, the sweetest laugh. You grunt when we tickle you, and your eyes light up at the sight of your big brother. You follow him with your eyes everywhere he goes. The way you look at him melts my heart. You love him, I can tell that already. You now sleep in your crib at night. Although you wake up multiple times per night still, you are still in there none the less. We are working on getting you down for naps, although you aren't too fond of sleeping more than a half hour at a time during the day. Every now and then you will surprise me, like the other day, you took a 3 hour nap and I think I checked on you 90 times to make sure you were okay. I've recently realized that you like to sit in your highchair and play with your toys. It gives mommy a break, since you are spoiled and like to be held constantly. I definitely indulge you in that though. I am very guilty. =) You talk your baby talk like crazy. I could sit here and listen to you babble and squeal all day long. It warms my heart to watch you, especially when you look up and realize Mommy is watching you and you smile so big.
You had your first Holiday. It was Thanksgiving. I'm kicking myself, I didn't get one picture of you. That will bug me forever I think. But you did great. You ate rice cereal mixed with carrots while we ate our dinner.
The day after Thanksgiving is when we put up our Christmas Tree. Your eyes lit up when you saw it, and you just stared. All the lights and shiny stuff on it, you really liked.
Sydney you are a constant joy to me. The way you look at me, the light in your eyes, your sweet laughs, your coo's. You are always making me smile. No amount of sleepless nights, or cries could make me love you any less. You are such an amazing baby girl. Even though it is so bittersweet to see you grow (so so fast), a part of me can't wait to watch your personality blossom, and to see the little girl, and soon to be woman you will be become. I am so proud of you, and I burst with joy when people tell me how adorable and sweet you are. Yeah, that's MY baby girl. You are so amazing!
At 6 months, you can:
- Roll over
- Laugh
- Babble non stop
- Follow everyone with your head and eyes
- Eat rice cereal mixed with baby food and water
- You've had Squash, Carrots, Applesauce, Bananas, Chocolate (shhh), Ranch Dressing, and Cool Whip
- Understand who Mama is, and cry when I leave your eyesight
- Play with your toys, and you're learning to rattle and shake them
- grab things within your reach... your hand eye coordination is improving
- jump like crazy in your Jump-a-Roo
- play with toys when I bathe you in the sink
- smack your lips when you see food that you want
- move your butt up and down when laying on your stomach, trying to figure out how to crawl.
- Smile responsively and giggle to silly noises that we make at you. Especially the Kissy noise, and the razzing noise. You think those are just so funny
There are many more things that make you who you are, but we'd be here all day =)
I love you sweet girl,
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