Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Oh so tired.
I did find out last night though that she doesn't like to be swaddled at night anymore. Every time I put her down, she kept freaking out when swaddled. She would strain and strain against her blanket. So I picked her up to comfort her, and relaxed the blanket quite a bit, and she fell to sleep fairly quickly after that. Go figure! So after that, I put her down that time, loosely covered, she was out like a light. HEAVEN!
But yes, so now, I am here, yawning, still slightly fighting this stupid cold, and my precious sleeping baby is waking. Thank God for the net.... what would I do without it? =)
Bryant goes into work at 3am in the morning. He's nuts. I don't know how he does it. I am sooooooo not a morning person. I'd be so pissy it'd be unreal. Thankfully, my job doesn't start until 7 or 8am! =)
This really is a pointless blog, I'm just tired, slightly frustrated, and a little stressed. So thought I'd share it with YOU. Lucky duck.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
10 for Tuesday... and then some
So it's my 10 for Tuesday.... I missed it last week...oops. I was sick though gimme a break!
1. Sydney was a month old yesterday. I'm in shock. I can't believe she's already a month old. Time is going waaaaay too fast. It isn't fair. I wish I could freeze Austin and Sydney both at the ages they are RIGHT NOW. I'm going to miss both these ages. A lot. I already miss them in fact. Bryant calls me crazy for missing something in the moment, but whatever!
2. Bryant turned 27 on the 28th of this month. He wanted a chocolate cake, so I found a recipe that looked yummy and made one. From scratch. I was pretty proud =) And it turned out wonderful. There's a picture at the bottom of this blog. He really liked it, so it was a plus one for Kami!
3. Sydney and I went to Boise yesterday to pick Sarah up from the airport. She's FINALLY home. Geesh, about time! She was ready to be home & came over for dinner last night. Jet lag finally hit her and she went home shortly after dinner to crash. Can't say that I blame her!
4. We leave on Thursday for Dad and Nancy's in Eugene, OR. We are sooooooo excited. Also a little nervous as well. It's about a 10 hour drive for us with Austin... so we're hoping it goes smoothly having Sydney now as well. I guess we will see! Uncle Paul and Aunt Connie live in Bend, which is about 6 1/2 hours from here.... they won't be home, but said that if we needed to we can stop off at their place for the night and travel the rest of the way in the morning. So it's good to know that we have that option if we need it. We're both a little nervous about this drive with both kids.... the FIRST car trip with them both!
5. It's been HOT here lately. And I mean H-O-T! So hot that even watering my flowers daily on the front porch, they are for the most part scorched. Awesome. Even in the shade. And they're suppose to be flowers that do well here... Riiiiiiiight. However, Austin's had a blast playing outside and even got daddy to roll around out there with him last night for awhile. They had fun. Sydney doesn't seem to mind it outside either. She just sleeps. Shocking, huh?
6. I have to find a bathing suit by the time we leave for Dad's on Thursday. Yikes. They have a hot tub now and I KNOW I'll want to jump in. And having a baby definitely changes your body... especially when it's only a month post baby... so I've got to find one stat! Payday is tomorrow.....whew! Pray for a cheap bathing suit find!!
7. After we get home from Oregon (we should be home by the 11th of July) we will celebrate our 6 year anniversary on July 12th. It's crazy to think that we've been married for 6 years. We dated for 3 1/2 years before we got married.... so we have been together almost 10 years. How nuts is that?!
8. We will be leaving the 17th for Twin Lakes with my mom, dad, brother and his girlfriend Jen. We CANNOT WAIT! This place is definitely my refuge and somewhere that my family has been going for years and years. Our family has a place up there now, so we can go vacation whenever! YES! Bryant didn't get to go last year, so he was determined to get up there this year for some good ol' fishing. Speaking of fishing, that was his birthday present from my parents and I--a new fishing rod. We split the cost of a really nice rod for him.... he loves it. =)
9. Austin is in love with "walking to the mailbox." Every day he says, "Should we go to the mailbox?" And won't relent until we walk down to the mailbox. It's too cute. Then when there is mail in the box, he asks what's for him.
10. I have my 6 week post baby check up in Boise on the 13th of July. I can't wait... because after that I will FINALLY get to start working out. Walking is fine, but I'm ready for a work out. I have too much of a sweet tooth to only be walking and lose my weight! haha!!! So I'm pretty excited. This c-section has been MUCH MUCH easier than the one I had with Austin, so for the past couple weeks, I've really been itching to get into shape again. Knowing this is our last baby, makes me not want to procrastinate getting my body back. I drug and drug on that subject after I had Austin because we knew we wanted another one. I didn't want to get a smokin' body just to ruin it again..... so come Monday the 13th, WATCH OUT! (Except for the week we will be at Twin Lakes....HAHAHA)
Sunday, June 28, 2009
What a concerned big brother!
Yesterday, I had Sydney in her bouncy chair hanging out. Well, sleeping rather. She woke up, and I wasn't RIGHT THERE to feed her, so of course, she got a little pissed. (She's hitting a growth spurt, so the ONLY thing she's doing is sleeping, and eating. That's it. Well, pooing too of course....
Anyways, Austin was with me, and noticed that she was upset, so being the good big brother he is, he had to make sure that she was ok. I just thought it was too cute... I caught the end of him checking on her. It's so sweet. =)
Today is Bryant's birthday as well. He's 27 today!!! Wowza!! So Happy Birthday to you babe! I'm off to make you your chocolate cake that you want (which I am OKAY with, considering I am highly addicted to chocolate at the moment...) so hope you like it! =)