So I know it's Wordless Wednesday, but there's just too much going on! I haven't blogged in a week or so, so I figured I'd get
ya'll caught up!
This last Friday was a particularly scary evening for us. First off, Sydney had a diaper blow out. So I went and ran a bath, and after her bath, she broke out on the left side of her face in a terrible rash. Still not sure what it was from, but it eventually faded. It was a very angry rash though! Then, about an hour after that, she was laying on her pillow on the couch (I know, I know, never leave your baby unattended... but how were we to know that she'd start rolling?) and I went in to hang some laundry. Bryant was upstairs getting dressed, as we were headed out to pick up a few things downtown. I heard a thud, and then the screaming started. Sydney rolled from her back to front... well... from her back to floor is more like it. She had a good bump on her head, and a red mark on her left eye. (The next day it was a little black on the lid... poor baby!!) Anyhow, she was screaming, so I picked her up and cuddled her to try to calm her down. Poor Austin was scared to death. He kept asking me if "Sissy has blood." I felt so bad for him... he gets so upset when she's upset, or hurt. Anyway- I
layed her down to check to make sure she hadn't broken arms, legs, ribs, or anything. She hadn't thank god, just had her bumps. So for about 30 minutes I held and cuddled her, nursed her and she
immediately fell asleep. I was paranoid the whole time, so I ended up taking her into the
UCC. (Like an ER for you non-military folk) On a side note-- when we got to the
UCC (Bryant stayed here with Austin.) it was like I was walking into the set of a movie. Hustling and bustling all around, the entire waiting room was full of people in masks, 2 people vomiting. It was surreal. I honestly have seen nothing like it. So we checked in, and were able to go in a
separate waiting room, where thank God, there was no one else in there. We waited and waited, and I kept getting more and more anxious. I was worried something was wrong with Sydney, worried that we were going to catch Swine Flu (it's been going around horribly on base.) Then they decided it would be okay to send back a boy with a mask on to wait in the NON sick area. Yeah, okay, I know the waiting room was full, but come on now! He was in a mask, yet, not exactly wearing the thing. He went to get some food, and came back, took his mask off, and proceeded to eat his food, while coughing and sneezing. I was not happy. I got up to leave. And as I was walking up to the front desk to get my ID card back, they called our name. So I stayed. And got checked in, and then waited and waited and waited. ANYWAYS, long story short, (which most of it you already know now...
haha) Sydney checked out fine. No signs of internal damage or bleeding, just had to watch her for the night to make sure she didn't start swelling in the spots where she bumped. Thank God. I was so scared. I mean, I figured she was okay, since she was alert, responsive,
etc. But I knew it would give me peace of mind to KNOW she was okay.
The next day, we took Austin to a birthday party for one of his friends he met at church, Brody. We got there early, so we ran over to Furniture Row to see if Austin's "big boy chair" was in. Of course it was (go figure they didn't call!) So we picked it up and headed back to where the party was, since it was literally one block away. He had A BLAST! It was at a place called Monkey
Bizness. It's an indoor play area for kids. They have blow up slides (HUGE SLIDE, seriously!) blow up
obstacle courses, play things like at McDonald's only a million times cooler, bouncy houses,
etc. He loved it. He had so much fun. About an hour into the party, Sydney started crying/screaming terribly. Bryant and I took shifts to take her out of the room to hold her and rock her. She'd fall to sleep, but when she'd wake, she was screaming. Not sure what was going on, we decided to keep her in the car while Bryant dropped me off outside places and I ran in for what we needed. She slept most of the time- and we finally finished and headed home. We had planned on getting her ears pierced while we were in Boise that day, but obviously, that will have to wait for another day! Once we got home, she was a little happier. I think she was having stomach cramps, because she'd be perfectly happy, and then all the sudden start screaming. I felt so bad for her! She kept running a fever, but it was gone late the next morning. From Saturday on, she has been perfectly fine!
Austin has been going stir crazy from being in the house. I feel bad for him. I ran to the BX the other day to pick up a few odds and ends for the house, and saw that they had coloring pages set out on a table. I grabbed a stack of each (I'm sure you're only suppose to take one... but oh well!) So he has been having a lot of fun with those. I'm almost paranoid to go out and about too much to crowded places. With all the Swine going around here, it's passing like crazy. I do NOT want any of us to have it. Especially Austin or Sydney. A couple of my girlfriends kids have it, and it doesn't sound like fun. In little kids mainly.
Sydney is wearing 6 month clothing. A few things are still 3 months, but WOW! When did this happen?! Austin is already in 4T-5T clothing. This just happens too fast! FREEZE!! NOW! I want it to be put on hold and just take in every minute with them just the way they are now. They are both such happy kids. Austin is a constant source of entertainment and laughs. They both warm my heart every day. I am so proud of them, I couldn't have been more blessed with my two babies. (They have a pretty awesome Daddy too!)
Today we headed over to Boise. It was the dreadful day of my injections to my back. I had a lot of anxiety about getting them. One, because I haven't gotten them in... what? 8 years now? And second, I'd only met this doctor one time. At my first appointment, he didn't have any bedside manner. BUT he knew his stuff. He was swift, efficient, and knew what he was doing, and talking about. You can kind of tell with doctors if they know what they're talking about, or if they're just guessing. (i.e. Nut-job "doctor" who I went to for my headaches and numbness in my face!...
haha!) But today, he was amazing! He talked with me about Austin and Sydney, about his kids, even cracked a few jokes! I was very very surprised, and very happy. It didn't hurt that he did a great job with the shots as well. Of
course I felt them... that part sucks terribly, however, he was so fast. He did, in my
opinion, a much much better job than the doctor I had before back home. He even made copies of the pictures they took with the needle in there, shooting the dye in,
etc. It was pretty neat. All in all, I was very very happy (AFTER it was over of course!) And now, I am doing decent I guess. I am
incredibly achy, sore... and keep getting twinges. But he said it will take about 24-48 hours for the shots to start taking effect, so I am so excited for when they do. It's mainly my right side that is giving me issues, which is odd to me, since it hurt more when he went into my left side. Don't know, but I'm praying they work!
Anyhow-- Bryant took a few days off to hang out with me and take care of things around here for me to let me rest. He said that there is virtually no recovery time, but he also said
every ones body reacts differently. So I'm hoping I will feel pretty good tomorrow. Wish me luck! And prayers don't hurt either! =)
My mom and Grandma will be here Friday. I
cannot wait! I am so excited! We are going to have such a blast. Last time my mom and grandma came together was when we
just moved here. Bryant and I were staying in a hotel until we figured out where to live... poor Bryant, he was such a good sport. We rented a movie, and went back to the room after dinner. My mom, grandma and I were all on the one bed, while Bryant manned the lone chair in the room. Us gals got a
huge fit of giggles, and couldn't stop. There were tears pouring down our faces we were laughing so hard. This went on for probably a good hour. Bryant finally paused the movie and just stared at us. HA! =) We had a blast though- so I know it will be fun. I have a check-up on Tuesday at the Pain Center to see how the shots are doing, so we will be in Boise, and find something fun to do I'm sure! Wednesday is the DARIUS
RUCKER concert... I AM STOKED!
Here's some pictures! =)

Austin's "big boy" leather chair finally came in. We picked it up Saturday, and he LOVES it!

Austin at the Monkey
Bizness waiting room

Sydney at Monkey
Bizness... my kids have the BLUEST eyes! Thanks
Bry! =)

My babies.... I am so in love!

All smiles!