Okay, so I started this yesterday, so I'm still counting this as my Tuesday post. I have
soooo much to do this week, I can't even believe it. We got home from Dad and Nancy's Saturday night, and leave again Friday morning. We have had an appointment in some form every day so far. Monday was my 6 week check, Tuesday I took Austin in to get his allergies checked out, and a spot in his groin that he had been complaining about (everything checked out okay) and today I had a follow up with the Neurologist in Boise. They will be scheduling an MRI for me to scan my brain to make sure there's nothing abnormal (hold the smart ass comments please....) showing up. So I will keep you updated on that.
Vacation was a blast. We got to Dad's Thursday evening. We got a lot of relaxing done, and a lot of fun was had. We went to Saturday market... where it was so unbelievably hot that while baby wearing Sydney in her sling, I seriously just about melted. Needless to say, it was a short trip! We came back home and cooled down in the AC while Austin took his nap, made dinner, and then we were off to the park in Springfield for the 4
th of July fireworks. Austin got his first cotton candy there, and thoroughly enjoyed the fireworks this year.
The next day, Sunday, we drove to
Nanie and Pa's house in Sheridan. We really loved our visit with them. We don't get to see them often, so we highly cherish the time we do get to be with them. I am so thankful that both of my kids have been able to be with them as well. They don't know how lucky they are!
The rest of the week was just a bunch of relaxing, a visit from Connie, Paul, Aaron and Michelle, cooking a pig butt, a little shopping, and drinking wine. We loved our visit, and as always, it ended too soon. Can't wait to see you, Dad and Nancy, when you drive through here in August!!!
Okay, so here's my 10 for Tuesday...FINALLY!
1. This has been
the most tiring 5 days, I swear! (I didn't think I'd say that so soon after having a baby... this feels weird...) We arrived home from Oregon Saturday. Sunday was our 6 year anniversary. 6 years already!! We have been together for almost 10... wow!! There's been Dr. Appointments every day since Monday... two being in Boise. Errands galore in Boise as well. And only MORE doctor appointments to come!
2. We went to Furniture Row AGAIN today. The furniture that we got in exchange for the crappy stuff we bought way back when is
already breaking down. Where we sit the most, it's already sinking down to the bottom of the couch. The cushions on the back of the couch are shorter than the back its self. The seams of the couches are already coming out. Ridiculous!!! So we went over to exchange our set, ONCE AGAIN. We expected to have to argue quite a bit to get this to happen, but they said not a word to us, just offered, once again, to
exchange. Good customer service yes, but not sure it's worth it. So for that, I don't recommend them. I'll post another blog of our furniture so you can see it. We love it.
3. Small things in life give me GREAT joy. I'm talking small. Like in a bottle of wine. I LOVE
Sutter Home
Moscato. They have the BIG bottles at Fred Meyer. So, since we were in Boise today, I got a BIG bottle of it to take to the lake with us. Now I am wishing I would have gotten two BIG bottles while there so I could have cracked one tonight. I'm needing it.
4. Austin's birthday is soon. Really soon. August 9
th to be exact. And if you ask him, he will tell you. Along with how old he is now, and how old he will be, and his full name. TOO cute! We've decided to go with a Spider Man theme. That's his big addiction right now, so we
know he'll love it.
5. Tuesday, when I took Austin to the doctor... we were waiting at the base pharmacy Austin was being a little crazy. At one point I got onto him because he was rolling around all over the floor. He got up and "webbed" me (like spider man does) and told me "You can't talk no more momma, I web your mouth shut." WOW!
6. I think Sydney's got an upset stomach tonight. She has been extra fussy, and had a few questionable diapers this evening. Awesome.
7. Bryant has been working nights since we got back from Oregon. This hasn't been the most ideal thing for us this week! Trying to get unpacked and re-packed again while he's sleeping during the day, and doesn't wake until 11pm for work... a little hard to do. I'll be packing the kids tonight (Austin will be packed right after I FINALLY finish this blog... then Sydney later) and then I will have Bryant sleep in the spare room when he gets home from work in the morning so I can pack our stuff. After more doctor appointments that is.
8. My house is a pig
stye. I'm not joking. You should see it right now. Not being home much this week, or if I am, being crazy busy doesn't bode well for my house cleaning. I pray that I will have time tomorrow to get it picked up and my floors washed before we leave Friday morning.
9. I am
sooooooooooooooo thankful that Sydney takes a pacifier. 95% of the time it soothes her. Like now. She just woke up crying and I gave her the pacifier and she's content and sucking away. Austin didn't get how to suck on them when he was her age. He'd spit them out continuously. But thankfully she can!
10. I think that less attention is really catching up with Austin this evening. He's been getting gobs and gobs of attention lately, and now has basically only me this week since Daddy is working nights. Tonight he is
UNRULY. Thus, the need for my wine. I'm about to go crazy tonight. Thankfully his bed time is 9:30, and it's 9:26 right now =)
These are some of her pictures. I will be taking more of her and Austin together when we get back from the lake.

Love this picture!

I'm so thrilled that I caught her little smirk on camera!!

Austin loved
Gramps' hats. They must have been having a pretty serious conversation here... probably about
spiderman. =)

One of my favorite pictures!

Love this boy!

Sorry, I couldn't get over how
incredibly cute he looked!!

Cousin Aaron holding Sydney

Bryant, Michelle (Aaron's wife), Uncle Paul, and Aaron

Bryant, Michelle, Aaron

Austin in
Gramps' jacket. He loved it

Austin dressing like
Gramps, and Aaron reading him a book

Aaron and Michelle reading Austin a book.
Yumm!!! Austin drinking milk through his Oreo straw!

Austin Olive Fingers =)

Drive over
Santiam Pass...beautiful
Santiam Pass

Swimming in the hot tub with
By the end of our trip, he was dunking his head all the way under the water! Go Austin!

Mini Trampoline... Austin loved it!!!
Bry and his
Gramps holding his "Sweetness" (That's his name for her!)
Grammie with Sydney

Sydney in her 4
th of July dress

Austin at the park waiting for the fireworks...eating his
first cotton candy!!!

He looooved it as you can tell! Gramps enjoyed some too!

HAA!! Stuff that face kid!

Austin and his 4th of July shirt!

I love this picture =)

He kept saying "ROCK OOOOON!!!!"

This is Austin's firework picture!

Beautiful moon that night!

He was in awe!

Grammie was holding Sydney and holding her ear so it wouldn't be too loud for her... Sydney grabbed onto her hand and didn't let go! Too cute!!

Pa with his Great Grand-daughter.... the first girl in the family since Aunt Connie!

Austin, Daddy, Pa and Sydney

Austin playing with the home-made trains that Bryant played with when he was young!

Bryant, Austin, Nanie and Sydney

Nanie with her Great Grand-daughter

Sydney was just loooookin' at her!!

I had fallen asleep while Austin was napping on me. Bryant got up (he was in the chair next to me) to get the camera to take our picture, and I woke up, but didn't tell him. So right as soon as he went to take this picture I made this face =) haha GOTCHA!!

Austin was having potty issues this day.... so he got some Milk of Magnesia. He thought this thick white mustache was preeetty cool!!

Nanie & Pa with their grandchild (plus me=) and their great grand children.

Thought they looked cute!

Generation picture... awesome!!

Austin at the Saturday Market... looking at the cool fountain!

Aunt Connie and Sydney =)

Austin waiting for the Ice Cream Truck

The Ice Cream Truck.... or rather... Van! Austin was soooo excited! I was too, because I have memories of getting to get treats from the Ice Cream Truck too!

He'd asked for his treat, and was waiting patiently!

Spongebob Squarepants popcicle!! He LOVED IT!

Lava Beds going over the pass.... very awesome

These are so amazing to see

Sydney passed out on Connie's couch.... so sweet!!

Mount Washington

Not sure what lake this is, but I was shooting these pictures out the car window when we were driving down off the pass

Austin's bowling...yeah!

Had to take a picture of the cool shoes and socks =)

He loooves bowling! He had a blast!

Go Austin go!!!

Aaron, Bryant and Michelle on the bumper cars
Austin and Uncle Paul