This is a picture of Austin last night. He found my "snuffer" for my candles. There's black all in the inside of it, and he had it around his mouth. He was pretty proud... haha! (I know his face is incredibly messy, it was right after dinner :)

This is going to be an incredibly exciting week for us. Not that there is a TON of things happening, but just the few that are, are very exciting to us!
First off, was this morning. We had a baby check up at 10:15am. We went in and I got weighed,(oh joy....however... I only gained 3 pounds in the 6 weeks, so that's GREAT!) measured, (I am just over 27 weeks pregnant, but am measuring at 28 weeks still) and we got to hear Sydney's heartbeat. It was good and strong. The doctor was incredibly impressed with how strong her heart beat was. She said "Now that's a happy baby!!" So that made me feel like I'm doing SOMETHING right! :) Austin was pretty excited to hear the heartbeat... afterwards, he even started making the same sound of what the heartbeat sounds like. Once again though, I forgot to ask how fast it was.... I'm so bad about that! If I would guess, I'd say in the high 150's. It was faster than when I was in the doctor for being sick, which she was 140's to 150's.
I will be a repeat C-Section. I opted for this because of the risk of my placenta rupturing during natural childbirth after having a c-section. There's too much risk for both baby and I, and we just don't feel comfortable with that. What kind of joy is having a child without a mommy? Or vise-verse. So we're okay with what we've decided!
The report on the Holter Monitor (for my heart) that I had to wear a month or so ago came back normal. I had a few palpitations while wearing it, but it registered as normal I guess on the monitor. So I guess I'm just chalking it up to being pregnant and having so much extra blood volume in my body right now!
Not sure how many of you know (parental wise) but we decided to return our furniture. We just weren't happy with it. For how much we paid, it's really not very good stuff. Pretty? Yes! Very! But we haven't even had it for 3 months, and there's already bolts falling out of it left and right. We don't want to pay that much for something just to have it fall apart in a year. No thank you! So we were told when we bought it that we had 90 days to return it (come to find out, the salesman that told us this, was WRONG, but they still honored it... thankfully!) so we decided to do that. We went to the store and picked out new furniture about a month ago, and it will be here TOMORROW!!! They will be picking up the old, and bringing in the new... we can't wait.
Is going to be VERY exciting! We have our 3-D ultrasound scheduled for Sydney. A 3-D ultrasound is soooooo neat. Instead of just seeing the baby in skeletal form, we will actually get to see what our little princess is looking like. We will actually get to see the HUMAN that it inside of me. How crazy is that? We are really bouncing off the walls waiting for this. Insurance doesn't cover it, but they give a GREAT military discount, so it is going to be MORE than worth it! We CANT WAIT! We will be getting a CD with all of the images on it, so we will be able to load them on the computer, so this weekend or early next week, make sure to check back for pictures of our baby!!!!
As far as Bryant's career is concerned... there are a lot of things happening, or possibly will be happening in the next few months.
*Bryant wants to go into OTC. He's in the bachelors program through Ashford University, and as been taking classes towards is CCAF. Next will come his Bachelors classes. If he continues at the rate he is going, he will be finished with his bachelors in 2 years after completion of his CCAF. (Two more classes.) Then he will go to OTS (Officer Training School) for a couple months, and afterwards he will be an officer. He's pretty excited about it.
*There is a job opening in Tacoma, Washington at McChord AFB. It's a classified mail courier job. He would be getting his Top Secret Clearance for it if he is selected, so he's pretty excited about that. He's wanted it for a long time, and this job requires it. It obviously isn't in his line of work, but at this point, he's not concerned about it. With going to OTS, there's a lot of different possibilities that can happen with that, so he isn't really concerned about staying in his specified career field. AND it puts us insanely close to all our family!!! We will be 2 1/2 hours from 2 sets of our parents, and 4 hours from the other set!!! (As opposed to 8 hours, and 10 hours respectively) So we are excited about this possibility as well. Bryants application is due by April 19th, however, he's working on getting it completed today so he can have it turned in early. He said it will probably take a couple months to find out the results on that, so we will let everyone know as soon as we know.
For now, I believe that's all my news! Austin is doing well on potty training. I am getting up with him once or twice per night to take him potty, or to at least check to see if he needs to potty. He's doing wonderfully. Bryant and I were just talking yesterday about how nice it is not to have to buy diapers and wipes, and not to have to CHANGE ANY DIAPERS!! Our goal was that we'd get a little break between Austin's diapers and Sydney's diapers, and we're happy that we met that goal!