So, since Austin's been gone, I've started my routine of going to the gym every day. I don't set a time of when I'll go, because I've come to realize that I don't do well with setting a time frame on things. If I make a plan to go at 9am, I won't end up going until 10:30... why? Just because I can. It's like I'm rebeling against myself... weird, I know. But at least I know that, so now I just say, "Tomorrow, I'm going to the gym." And I do. And it feels great. It doesn't feel like a chore I have to do, just something I'm doing for myself. And let me tell you, it's about time.
They have a new Parent Room at the gym... Austin will love it.
Speaking of Austin, I get to go pick him up tomorrow! I meet my mom in La Grande at noon, and I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO excited, I can hardley stand it! A week away from him has been really hard... really really hard. But in another way, really nice as well. I've gotten to relax, get a routine set with the gym, get things picked up, planned, appointments taken care of, ect. All without having to chase a 3 year old around. BLISS! But anyhow, I am so stoked to get to see him again! My mom told him this morning that he was going to get to see Mommy and Daddy tomorrow. What did he say?? "DON'T TELL ME THAT!!!" Talk about breaking his mommies heart!! HA!!!
Anyhow, I'm proud of myself. Since I've been to the gym every day this week except for Wednesday. Sydney got her shots Wednesday and did NOT do well. I had a very very rough day after that was over, not to mention spending 3 hours at the hospital (military for ya....) so it was a loooong looooong day! She's doing better now though!
Wow, I get off track easily. I have tried twice now to talk about what I wanted this post to be about.... which is me working out. And each time, I start a tangent on other things. Figures.
I AM GOING TO THE GYM EVERY DAY! YAY FOR ME! I even went today. A Saturday! How awesome is that? I don't plan to go on Sunday's, I plan to use Sunday as a rest day. If God did it, so can I! ;) I know, I'm funny, right? (here I go again, talking about things other than the gym......)
I've been doing the treadmill, elliptical and the weights they have in the Parent room. They are like the Nautalis (sp?) ones that they have at the YMCA. What I'm trying to say, is that they aren't free weights. I love them. They are very controlled, and safe for a weakling such as myself. I use to be strong. Back in HS, I worked out every day, I lifted every day. (Granted, I HAD to lift, because it was one of my classes... but I loved it.) I played sports, I was fit. And what's sad is that I still thought I was fat. But don't we all? I look back on pictures now, and think, "Man, I wish I still looked like that!" (.... another tangent.....)
My first goal is 20 pounds. By November 11th. Which is my... *gulp*... 25th birthday. I have a pair of jeans upstairs that I want to fit in.... and I hope that losing 20 pounds will put me in those jeans. I guess we'll see. If it doesn't.... at least I'll be able to be in jeans that are NOT maternity, and smaller than what's in my closet right now. That will feel amazing.
Ok, I've gotta go shower now, Bryant's done, so my turn!
Have a GREAT weekend!!!
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Friday, July 31, 2009
Twin Lakes Take Two
I forgot about Thankful Thursday! Oops.... oh well!
Just wanted to let everyone know that my MRI came back fine. No tumor, Praise God! Hopefully someday I can figure out what is triggering these awful migranes and get them under control! Haven't had any face numbness since my last episode while I was still pregnant, so that's encouraging! Here's more pictures from Twin Lakes! I still have one folder left to upload, but will do it another day! Enjoy!
Austin and his new friend Patrick playing
Daisy and Austin crashed Uncle and Auntie's sleep over!
Nana and Sydney having their daily talk
Go Austin! He's our little fishy!!!
Just wanted to let everyone know that my MRI came back fine. No tumor, Praise God! Hopefully someday I can figure out what is triggering these awful migranes and get them under control! Haven't had any face numbness since my last episode while I was still pregnant, so that's encouraging! Here's more pictures from Twin Lakes! I still have one folder left to upload, but will do it another day! Enjoy!
Go Austin! He's our little fishy!!!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Time Flies
Sydney Linn is already 2 months old!!
You are such an amazing baby. You are so happy, and so smiley. You have brought so much joy into my life, I can't even begin to describe. I am amazed daily with you. It's the little things you do that tug at my heart strings. The little sideways smirk you get, the silly, noiseless giggle you have, the way you grab my fingers with your toes. You are just so sweet.
You have melted my heart, and daddy's heart as well. Your big brother is pretty fond of you as well. He often gives you kisses for no reason, and he always makes sure he kisses you good night. He's so good to you, you are very lucky to have him for a big brother.
At two months old, you already have incredible strength in your neck. You sit on mommy or daddy and hold your head up for a bit by yourself. Not too long though- or you turn into a bobble head. =) You are tracking people with your eyes. You know my smell. When you are fussy and I pick you up, you calm almost immediately. You also know my voice. When you hang out with Daddy when I go to the gym, as soon as I come home and start talking; even if you can't see me, you start wailing. Your hair is still dark brown, although lighter than when you were born, and growing! Your eyes are still blue, a very deep, beautiful blue. Your ears will be pierced within a few weeks of your 2 month shots, and momma can't wait. You soared through the preemie clothes, as well as your newborn clothes. You now wear 0-3 month clothing, and look soooooo darling in them. You have found your fists, and sometimes suck on them in between feedings. You take a pacifier, although gag yourself sometimes.... we think you choke on your tongue. Your legs are almost always moving. When laying on us, you "climb" up us. You also always grunt. It's amazing how loud you can get! Your lanky, skinny newborn body has been replaced with a full, adorably cute chubby body. Your cheeks go on for miles, and you have roll on top of roll. I'm happy to see that you still have your armpit wrinkles, I love those. As of right now, you don't think mommy nurses you enough. I think if I nursed you all day long, you still wouldn't be happy. You eat non-stop. Maybe that's why you have filled out so well. =)
And on that note, you are hungry.
Until next time, baby girl, I'll be loving you.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Fourth time's a charm??
It better be! This is the 4th time today that I've tried loading these today. The last time I tried, I had ALLLLL the pictures loaded, captioned and ready... I hit POST, and it had signed me out. So I signed back in, and they were GONE! Hours of work (A LOT of pictures...) down the drain. So I have decided to load a few pictures a day until I get them all on here. I'm not taking that chance again. I was so mad!!!
Austin said he had water in his boobies, so he needed to feed Sissy!!! HAH!
Papa and Sydney
My Beautiful Baby
She fell asleep on my mom like this! Too funny!
Daisy and Austin relaxing watching cartoons
Wow, he's definitely a ham!!!
Playin' in the water
Jumping off the dock!!
Swimming in from jumping off the dock
A storm rolling in
Beautiful even when stormy!
View from the Ferry
Little grin... I just LOVE it!
She's got one of her cloth diapers on. Still big for her. When it's on, she can't bend her body... haha!!! These diapers say they fit 8lb babies... THEY LIE! Sydney is almost 12 pounds!
TEN FOR TUESDAY!!!! YAY, I remembered!!
1. I had my MRI yesterday for my brain scan. I haven't had one in a long time... since I had them for my back. I use to be somewhat freaked in the MRI machine, but I guess it's getting worse as time goes on. I did NOT like it... at all. And I was only half way in. UGgh, I was so glad when it was over. I practically jumped out myself! The results are already in, so I go to Boise tomorrow to find out what the scan says. I'll post tomorrow I'm sure on the results.
2. Sydney's 2 month well baby appointment is Thursday. I am so anxoius to see how much she weighs, how long she is and how she's doing. Lord knows she's getting huge! I keep thinking back to how skinny and lanky she was when she was born. And to look at her now, you'd NEVER know she was so thin! After this appointment, we will be getting her ears pierced. Not sure when exactly, but we have to wait until her 2 month check up so she can get her shots.
3. Austin is still with his Nana and Papa. He stayed with them after our Lake vacation. It was so hard leaving him. It's his first time away from home. Sounds like he's having a blast though! My mom said he keeps asking for us, but over all is doing well. They went to see the trains at Waterfront park today, and went to the little Water park on Western as well. She said he had a BLAST. I so wish I could have seen it!!
4. I didn't know that the Today show was hours long. Sydney and I came downstairs at 7 this morning, and I turned on the TV and decided I'd watch the Today show. I'm never up this early, so I thought "What the heck, I'll watch it!" Next thing I knew, we were both passed back out. I woke up a couple times, and the today show was still on, so I kept thinking that I wasn't sleeping for too long since the show was still going. Well, I finally got up because I had a splitting headache, and checked the time..... quarter till 11:00!!! Come to find out, the Today show is a few hours long! HAHA!!! Oops!
5. I pulled out my girly John Deere fabric yesterday. I'm going to be making Sydney a dress, so I'm excited to get that project started. Will probably do that while Austin is away.... makes it a little easier.
6. We got Austin a bike for his birthday. Just got an e mail from Wal Mart saying it was in. (We did the site to store shipping... it's FREE!) I am so excited to go pick it up and get it ready for him. I can't wait until he sees it!!
7. We were going to have Austin's birthday party on the 8th, since his REAL birthday is on the 9th. But all his little friends will be gone on the 8th, so I think we're going to have it on the 15th instead. That way he will get to play with his friends. That's what birthday's are all about...having fun with tons of friends!
8. Speaking of his birthday... he's going to be THREE!!! I cannot believe it. I am in SHOCK. He's already three years old. Where did the time go? It seems like yesterday that we brought him home from the hospital. He has brought so much joy and love into my life. I won't ever be able to thank him enough. I love that little boy so much!
9. I've decided to end my Mary Kay business. It just isn't going well at all. I have lost a ton of money in it, and it's time to get out. I wish it would have turned out different, but it didn't, so I've just got to accept that. I'll be sending all my inventory back to headquarters within the next month, so anyone that wants anything that I've got in inventory until I send it back, it's all 40% off, so just let me know.
10. I started back at the gym today. Friday is payday, so that marks Day 1 of Weight Watchers again. I did so well on it last time, and don't really know why I quit. Just got lazy I guess. But the gym felt so great today, so I can't wait to get back in there tomorrow. My first goal is that I want to be down 20 pounds by November 11th, which is my 25th birthday. Wish me luck & Cheer me on! =)
More pictures to come tomorrow!!
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