Go with me on this one. =) Bryant had Monday off, so I'm using that as an excuse for being a day late on my 10 for Tuesday =)
1. Bryant broke his toe (we think) the other night. He ran into the ottoman in our living room, and it didn't sound pretty. I told him that he should cry, but he didn't. Wuss. Anyways, last night it was NASTY looking... all black and blue.
2. I'm still fighting this cold. It's finally getting the better of me, because each day I'm feeling more and more like poo. It isn't bad, and I'm hoping it just ends up fizzling out. Bryant just got bad sick, and he's finally feeling better, so hopefully we all just get healthy!
3. I keep looking at the kids. It's so bittersweet. They are growing up waaaaay to fast for my liking. Sydney is almost 5 months old already. WHERE did the time go??? Austin is over 3 now. Geeze!
4. I'm making Crock Pot Pork Chops tonight. It's on our Weight Watchers, and sounds super simple, and I'm all for that! =)
5. It's PAYDAY!!! YAAAAY! This last payday wasn't a tough one, but I cannot WAIT to go grocery shopping. We have very little in our house to eat, so it will be nice to be able to make good dinners again.
6. I went through Austin's toys that are downstairs yesterday while he was napping. I threw some out that were broken, or missing peices, and others I put in a bag to give to our church. He hasn't asked for any of them so far, so obviously he isn't needing them! He hadn't been playing with even half of them, so why keep them?!
7. I'm already dreading Christmas shopping this year. Usually, I've started by now, and am almost finished. I don't know what my deal is this year, but I haven't even got one present. I have ideas, but that's as far as it's gone. I guess it takes money to put those ideas into motion huh? =)
8. When we ordered our current furniture, we had leftover money from our trade in, that we had to use as "in store credit" so we also ordered Austin a mini leather "big boy" chair. It was on back order until mid-October, so I think I will call today and get the status of it!
9. We are going to Boise on Saturday for one of Austin's friends birthday parties. We met the family at church. It's at a place called Monkey Bizness. It's an indoor play gym for kids, and looks like it will be tons of fun!
http://www.monkeybizness.com/boise_city/01boise.html10. I just thought I would tell you all that I hate having my laundry room downstairs. All our bedrooms, thus all our dirty laundry, is upstairs. Getting it downstairs isn't a huge deal, I just throw it over the banister from upstairs, and it lands in a nice pile on the landing. However, after it's washed, I hate, I repeat, hate getting it all upstairs to put away. Which is why my kitchen table is piled with folded clothes and towels. =)
That's all for today! Happy "Tuesday!"