Today I have to take Sydney to get her 1 year shots. She's NOT going to be very happy with me I'm afraid. After that, I have another appointment for her at 3:45. Other than that, not too much going on. I rearranged my living room, and Tif helped, so Bryant didn't have to do ANY of it. I love it. Completely opens up the living room and doesn't make it feel so closed in.
I've been getting a few boxes packed here and there. Hopefully if I do this, things won't seem so stressful at the end when we're trying to get out of here. I'm going to have to clean the house before we leave, so I'm hoping that we can have everything boxed up and ready so I can get cleaning. We'll probably be in TLF for a few nights while I clean, and then we'll have our inspection and be outa here. (Not until October, remember)
Rick and Dee will be here either tomorrow night, or we will be meeting them at the Bruneau Dunes Wednesday for a few nights. They're wanting to camp for a couple nights out there, and then we'll all come back to our place. They'll head out Monday morning for a show in Weizer, Idaho. This will be Sydney's first camping trip- so we'll see how that goes. It will also be Petey's first camping trip... eek! It's been HOT here lately, and this morning it's already boiling... so hopefully we don't die out there! =)
July 1st we'll be heading to Oregon to see Connie, Paul, Dad, Nancy, and Grandma and Grandpa Hines. We're really excited... it's been awhile since we've been that way- and it will be so nice! Maybe I will get to do some wine tasting again, HINT HINT! =)
Oh- and if you are planning on breaking in while we're away I have a few rules. 1. Good luck getting past the gate. 2. Please mop my floors while you're here- I hate doing it. and 3. Wave at the camera on the way out so I know you stopped by. That's all.
Anyhow- Just wanted to do a small update- hope everyone is doing well!