Bryant was on nights the month of February. That wasn't fun. Trying to keep the kids and the dog quiet all day, and trying to keep them happy all day every day as well as get normal house wife duties done... very stressful and very tiring. Especially with a daughter that still likes to wake mommy up a few times a night! It would have been easier if I was a working mom last month... they could be at daycare all day =) However, we got through it because I made a trip to Washington! We left the 17th I think it was, and stayed until the 26th. It was a nice trip, and like usual went to quickly. Seems to do that every time I'm home... feels like I just get there and then I'm packing the car back up to leave. I got to take Austin to his first Wenatchee Wild game though- and that was a blast. My brother, mom, grandma and Aunt Debbie were all there as well, and it was a great game, and Austin did pretty well!
The drive to and from Washington were uneventful, the roads were great, just wet. Both of the kids did amazing, I was so shocked. Last time we drove to WA, Sydney screamed for the last 3 1/2 hours... so it made it a VERY long trip. This time she was a champ, so I'd like to think she's getting use to the car. We'll see! =)
The Saturday after I got back, we took Austin over to a "Kids Fair" in Boise. Which reminds me, I need to load a picture of him and his cool face painting. He had a blast. There were bouncy houses, a petting zoo, pictures with Scooby Doo, and a million booths were they gave out goodies. Far too many that wound up in the trash, but the slinky has been a hit. He also got to see Robin from Red Robin. And afterwards, we went to eat there, and he was quite bummed that Robin wasn't there.
On the way home from Boise, we stopped by Bryant's work. He'd heard that a few guys had gotten orders that Friday, and wanted to check his stuff to see if any had dropped for him. He came walking back out and said, "Well, I got orders to Thule." I had no idea what 'Thule' (pronounced Tool-ie) was, so I asked.... "Greenland" was his response. He proceeded to get in the car and drive off, so I thought he was kidding. And he was quiet. So I said "When do you leave?" He didn't know, he didn't check that part. So I told him to pull his arse back into that parking spot and check that out if he was really serious. And he did. He pulled right back in and got out to go check when he was leaving. My stomach hit the floor. I was in shock... I really thought he was kidding. So, yes, Bryant will be in Greenland for a YEAR. Without us. Gonna be hard, but we will get through it! What else can ya do? Regardless, he has to do one of these tours in his career, and we knew it was a possibility, but it actually happening kind of shocked us. (We are just SOOOO thankful that he didn't get a Remote tour to Korea!) He found out that his "Report No Later Than" date is December 10th. However, he also found out yesterday that his estimated last day at Mountain Home AFB is October 26th. (Estimated because he hasn't gotten his official 'paper' orders.) So that means we will be out of Mountain Home at the end of October, he will drive me up to Washington and get me settled in, and then take off. We are hoping he will have at least two weeks of leave to take in between driving me home, and leaving for Greenland.
When he leaves Mountain Home, he will completely out process this base, and won't come back. So we will be giving up the house, and I will be moving back to Wenatchee while he is gone. Before he leaves, we will be getting our next assignment... so I will keep you updated on that. It drives me crazy having to wait, but I guess I need to learn a little patience! (huh??!!) The AF has 120 days from last night (when we submitted our base preferences) to hand us our next assignment... so anytime between today and July 2nd we could receive orders. Bryant said they can give them early, but cannot give them late. So July 2nd is their deadline, and I really hope it comes earlier... I am SUCH a planner and I want to know yesterday! haha=)
Anyways, so that news kind of rocked our world... lots of talks have been had, decisions made, with a lot more to come. Even though there's still 7 1/2 more months until he leaves, I know that it is going to [sadly] fly by. Austin's surgery, Sydney's 1st birthday, his birthday, getting a trip in to Eugene, a couple small family (the 4 of us) vacations... weekend type things, Austin's Birthday, packing our house, making arrangements... it already seems like so much to do, with a ton more I didn't list. We will miss him like crazy, but I know, and I knew from day one, that this is the life of a military family. And I'm proud of him for what he does. So we're going to rock this deployment =)
A couple pictures of the kids... I will get more on here in the NEAR future!