Had my appointment for the baby today. Things are still looking great. My belly is measuring right on where it should be, and her heartbeat is nice and strong. She's head down still, like she's been since basically day one. Not that it matters I don't think with a C-Sec, but oh well, news is news. Got a tour of L & D today, so we know what to expect, where to go, and were parents will be waiting until I'm out of the OR. I can't believe that I have only 4 short weeks left. It's just crazy to think that we're going to have two kids. I'm nervous as all get-out, and Bryant is the calm one. Completely backwards from 3 years ago when I was pregnant with Austin. :) My next appointment is June 1st. Thereafter, I will be going in every week until the c-section. That oughta make things move right along!
Bryant left this afternoon to go camping with a couple guys. He will be back Saturday afternoon. Austin was NOT a happy camper when Daddy left. He cried and cried for his daddy, I felt so horrible. He got over it after I promised him McDonalds for dinner! :)
I have a friend coming in tomorrow afternoon that use to live here. She's back in Washington now, but decided to skip on out here to see me for the weekend. So we should have a fun time. Downtown Mountain Home is doing Crazee Dayz again already. It's a mini-carnival for the kiddos, and downtown is set up with booths and things, kind of like a fair. It's always fun, so we'll more than likely head down there Saturday.
My sewing projects are multiplying lately. I made Austin a pair of PJ pants, as I'm sure you saw in an earlier post. I've started Sydney's curtains for her bedroom, and actually am almost finished with them. I made a pair of "baby legs" the other day (which are basically glorified leg warmers for lil miss when she arrives.) and have bought material to make a baby sling so I can "baby wear." I could just go buy a sling, but who really wants to pay $50 or more for one when I can [hopefully] make one myself?! We'll see. I'll post pictures of my projects as I get them completed. I don't have a picture yet of the baby legs, but I'll get on that soon.
Anyways, it's late, and Austin is always a consistant alarm clock, so I'd better hit the sack.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
A good day
Today Austin and I went to my friend Amanda's house. He was thrilled that he was going to get to play with Noah.
He was even more thrilled when he walked in, and Amanda had McDonald's waiting for him. Score TWO for Austin!
Noah just got a new swing set from his grandparents. So that was definitely the highlight of today. Austin had a blast!

He was even more thrilled when he walked in, and Amanda had McDonald's waiting for him. Score TWO for Austin!
Noah just got a new swing set from his grandparents. So that was definitely the highlight of today. Austin had a blast!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Picture Post.... just to catch you up!
Blog Post #3 for today. I think I need to start blogging more.... I feel like there's so much since last time! And I'm leaving tons out...geeze!!
Austin with his Gramps. Thought this was a cute picture :)
Austin was tired of prepping for the yard sale.... poor boy!
I got smart!
A few pictures to start it off right....

The above two pictures are how the bike ride ended (first picture) and the promise of an easy walk for daddy.... (first picture). After we hit a slight incline, Austin was done. He got off his bike and took off on a mission. His mission? To kick rocks back where they belong if they were on the walking path. :) Daddy got to carry his bike for him the rest of the way :)
Nesting has done my household LOADS of good. This is the laundry room. It was an absolute disaster, and had been since we moved in. It was one place I thouroughly neglected. I finally got in there a couple days ago and cleaned it all up and organized. I just had to post a picture for those of you who had seen my incredibly cluttered laundry room. I know! Take your hand and close your mouth now. :)
I sewed Austin a pair of PJ pants! This was a project started during Christmas time. While home, my mom helped me cut out the pattern, but we didn't ever find the time to sew them. So I finally pulled them out and takled the project. They turned out fabulous, and I am uuber proud of myself!
Austin has loved having daddy home. He's been following him everywhere and wanting Daddy to play with him non-stop. He's not happy that daddy had to go back to work today, but he will be home SOON with the promise of water gun fights! This picture was just too sweet not to share!
So I was really getting sick of all my blogs being jumbled together and not having any type of separation what-so-ever. Everything was just one, long, run-on paragraph. I'm sure you didn't notice, did you? :) Anyways, I decided to take a peek at all the settings, and found something in there that I thought may change the format of the way things were layed out. It looks like it's fixed my other blogs, so we'll see when I post this one if it will do the same.... let us hope it does!
On to regular topics! AUSTIN! Are you shocked? You should be. :)
He's been having FUN the past week or two. Bryant has been off for a good solid 3 weeks following his surgery. For the past couple weeks has been able to do things with Austin more. Austin has been in heaven. This week, the weather has been B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L!! We have the perfect backyard this summer, so daddy and Austin have been outside every day for the past week or so. Austin LOOOOVES playing with sidewalk chalk, so we have quite a few "beautiful" portraits drawn on the concrete out back. I got him some water guns, so him and daddy have been having water gun fights. Then just the other day Daddy took Austin down to the BX to buy one of those hard plastic pools. He's been in it every day since! Not to mention his tri-cycle that he's finally gotten the hang of. So he's been riding it around the block every day with Daddy. I tagged along yesterday to watch him and take some pictures. He just loves being outside.
It's so peaceful to sit outside and watch him play. He just amazes me every single day. I'm trying my hardest to cherish these last few weeks with him as my only baby. He's been the light of my life, and I couldn't have asked for a bigger blessing than he has been. I often wonder what I laughed at before I had him. His antics are just hilarious; and things that come out of his mouth, most of the time stun me, but never fail to make me hysterically laugh.
For instance, his newest, most used phrase is: "Okay, okay, okay! FINE! WHATEVER!" It doesn't matter if we're asking him to stay out of the bark in the backyard, or to be nice to the cat.
He repeats EVERYTHING these days. While eating lunch at the table yesterday, Bryant and I were talking about something, and I said "totally disgusting." He looked at us, all dramatic, and said "it's tooooooootalllly disgustic!!"
He also repeats other things, but I won't go into detail on that. I'll just blame it on Bryant. :) I can do that since I'm the moderator of this blog! (and he VERY RARELY reads it.... HA!)
On another note. Sydney's room is almost finished. I can't believe it! I think really the only thing I have left to do is get the quilt for the bed and sheets. I think after that, we will be done. It's crazy! I can't believe that in only 4 1/2 short weeks, we will be a family of 4. Two kids. Not one. That means a lot of things. Double carseats. Double doctor visits. Double clothes. Double discipline.
Double the laughs. Double the kisses. Double the loves. Double the smiles. Double the joy.
We. Can't. Wait.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Oh geeze....
I figured I'd better get busy on a blog since it'd been so long. Won't be much longer and I'll be getting in trouble for not posting!
A few updates.
Bryant is back to work today after being off since his surgery. (24th of last month) He's healing well, although still quite sore. We go back June 4th to see his surgeon for a follow up, so we'll see then how things are doing. He's able to use it more and more every day, but is having problems with the left side of his right hand. The ring finger and pinky finger area are still sore, and very very weak. So we will just have to wait and see I guess!
Bryant put in for two different jobs awhile back. One of them being Tacoma, and the other being a year tour in Kabul. (Afghanistan) There was only one position for each of those jobs, and hundreds of applicants. He did not get either position. Just wasn't meant to be I guess! Year Tour jobs (called Short Tours.... meaning he will be gone for a year, without the family, with one or two leaves in the middle to come home) opened up again about a week and a half ago. Honduras was on the list again, so he's put in for that again. We have really been trying for him to go on a Short Tour for the past year. Not because we want to be seperated, because God knows it will be very hard on us, but because if he doesn't go on his Short Tour soon, he will more than likely be pulled to Korea for a year. Which is NOT good. Korea isn't a place anyone wants to go, and dreads being. So pray that Honduras will pull through this time, finally, after a year of trying.
Pregnancy is going alright. Painful, but alright. I am definitely ready to be done, and I think Bry is ready for me to be done as well. :) I'm sure Austin is ready to have his mommy back so we can play like normal too. T-35 days.... and I'm counting down BIG TIME! I can't believe I only have 4 1/2 weeks left. It's went so fast.... yet so slow at points. I will be having Sydney June 22nd sometime in the a.m. Unless she decides she wants to make an earlier debut, that's what has been schedualed. Keep us in your prayers!
I blogged awhile back about numbess in my face and arm. It's come back a couple times since then, so I brought it up again to the doctor. My holter monitor (heart monitor) that I wore came back normal, so she decided that she wanted to send me to a neurologist. I will be going on the 27th of this month to see him/her. Hopefully we will get something figured out.... because something just isn't right. So I'll update you all on that once I know what's up.
Well, I think that's about all for the updates. I'll post a blog on Austin a little later today. He's been pretty cute lately. I've got a few pictures to add to that blog as well, so be on the lookout.
A few updates.
Bryant is back to work today after being off since his surgery. (24th of last month) He's healing well, although still quite sore. We go back June 4th to see his surgeon for a follow up, so we'll see then how things are doing. He's able to use it more and more every day, but is having problems with the left side of his right hand. The ring finger and pinky finger area are still sore, and very very weak. So we will just have to wait and see I guess!
Bryant put in for two different jobs awhile back. One of them being Tacoma, and the other being a year tour in Kabul. (Afghanistan) There was only one position for each of those jobs, and hundreds of applicants. He did not get either position. Just wasn't meant to be I guess! Year Tour jobs (called Short Tours.... meaning he will be gone for a year, without the family, with one or two leaves in the middle to come home) opened up again about a week and a half ago. Honduras was on the list again, so he's put in for that again. We have really been trying for him to go on a Short Tour for the past year. Not because we want to be seperated, because God knows it will be very hard on us, but because if he doesn't go on his Short Tour soon, he will more than likely be pulled to Korea for a year. Which is NOT good. Korea isn't a place anyone wants to go, and dreads being. So pray that Honduras will pull through this time, finally, after a year of trying.
Pregnancy is going alright. Painful, but alright. I am definitely ready to be done, and I think Bry is ready for me to be done as well. :) I'm sure Austin is ready to have his mommy back so we can play like normal too. T-35 days.... and I'm counting down BIG TIME! I can't believe I only have 4 1/2 weeks left. It's went so fast.... yet so slow at points. I will be having Sydney June 22nd sometime in the a.m. Unless she decides she wants to make an earlier debut, that's what has been schedualed. Keep us in your prayers!
I blogged awhile back about numbess in my face and arm. It's come back a couple times since then, so I brought it up again to the doctor. My holter monitor (heart monitor) that I wore came back normal, so she decided that she wanted to send me to a neurologist. I will be going on the 27th of this month to see him/her. Hopefully we will get something figured out.... because something just isn't right. So I'll update you all on that once I know what's up.
Well, I think that's about all for the updates. I'll post a blog on Austin a little later today. He's been pretty cute lately. I've got a few pictures to add to that blog as well, so be on the lookout.
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