Here's the pictures I promised.... ya'll BETTER enjoy them, I've been working on this for the past... oh.... 4 hours now! So look at them and LIKE them! =)

Happy girl in her Jump-a-Roo

Austin and Daddy at the Pumpkin patch

A [kind of] family picture

Grandma found her pumpkin

Austin and all our pumpkins

He made it to the top of the Hay stack!

Helping Austin down the hay stack

Hay maze

Austin & daddy climbing

Here's a good family picture!

Austin playing in the grain.... he had it everywhere!

Mama and her girl!

Adorable Austin!

The clan!

Grandma GG and Sydney

LOVED the fudgecicle!!

Time for cards!

It was a fun game

LOOK at alllll that slobber!!

Austin helping Nana play

Mindy helping Grandma

I love Austin's face!

This is what life is all about

Mindy-- Grandma's dog

He is so handsome

Mindy's Halloween costume- She was
Fudge Face

Grandma crocheting

Austin putting his socks on Sydney

She loves her Great Grand Daughter =)

Us girls before the Austin =)

Here we are... I've got great genes!

The Lost Trailers

Grandma and I at the concert

Mom and I at the concert

At the concert waiting for Darius Rucker to come on

Darius Rucker!!!


and again....

and again.... he was so awesome!

Making caramel apples

Proud of them!

Always this "cheeeese face!

Pretty girl in a pretty shirt

100% boy!

Such a great big brother

Nana and her baby

Watching Grandma GG out the window

Nana hogging the yummy caramel =)

The finished product

Getting ready to eat his apple

First bite


She put Sydney to sleep...

So Sweet!

Handsome boy!

Brother and sister.... does it get any sweeter than this?

ohhh yes it does =)

So sweet

Pretty girl

Rolling out the dough to make sugar cookies

Stamping out shapes

He's having a blast... he loves baking

He's doing it all by himself

What a good baker!

So proud!

Trying it out.....

Daddy trying it out....

I loved her face in this one... haha

Frosting the cookies

Here they are!

Me and my girl

Nana and her girl

Austin in his Skele Bones Costume

Sydney in her Love Bug costume

She's all squeezed in =)

Nana, Grandma GG and Austin. Us gals wore big crazy eye lashes and wigs. Wish we would have gotten a picture of the 3 of us together!

Austin ringing the doorbell to get some caaaandy!

A lot of the houses on base were decoated very festive!

Grandma GG and Mindy dressed up

She passed out, must have liked the ride!


Sydney and December were dressed alike!

He wanted to Trick or Treat Daddy

Austin and his loot!

Looking at the insides.... he wouldn't touch them again this year! haha

Telling mommy he didn't want to put his hands inside the pumpkin

Checking out the guts

Our finished products...Daddy, Austin, Mama and Nana all carved one

Look!!! A NORMAL smile!!!!

4 Generations!

Another of 4 Generations.... a good lookin' bunch!

Awww, Sydney fell asleep on Daddy

Rockin' and Rollin'

He gets super excited when daddy comes home.......

Upside down! Look at my cute shoes!

In his man chair

This kid doesn't kid around when it comes to peanut butter toast!
I love all the pics!!