Monday, January 18, 2010

It's a Monday

Tired doesn't even begin to describe what I am feeling. Exhausted.... no that doesn't work either. How about borderline delirious? Yeah, something like that.

It's been two weeks now since the kid hasn't been sleeping well. And while she did somewhat better last night (waking 4 times) it still is not satisfactory! I'll take it over what the previous nights have been, but still! She's almost 8 months old! Come on!

Austin ended up coming down with a cold last week, then passed it on to Sydney who in turn passed it on to me. So we've got three of the four of us sick. Yuck. The night before last, I ended up taking Sydney into the Urgent Care on base, because her fever kept spiking and was up to 103.1 and I wasn't very comfortable with that. I am glad I took her in, because she has a double ear infection. No wonder she's not been sleeping, and has been so cranky lately. I would be too. I hope this isn't a sign though that she's going to take after her daddy and I with ear infections. Both of us and tubes in our ears numerous times, and had a lot of ear problems as children. So I am praying that she doesn't follow in our footsteps when it comes to that. She'll be miserable. Ear infections are so painful. Anyhow, she got put on antibiotics, and I was given the go ahead to continue the Tylenol & Motrin mix to help with her fever and cold. It's working, and her fever finally broke yesterday. Today she seems to be doing a little better, she's a little brighter eyed, and a little more smiley this morning, so I am thankful for that. Maybe this means sleep is in my future.

Austin ran a fever the first night/day that he was sick as well, but his broke quickly. He woke up two nights in a row crying, and really not feeling well. He had the barky cough, and he was really stuffed up. He's now running around like crazy and driving me nuts as usual =) Yesterday we thought he was coming back down with it again, because he was getting really snotty again, but today he seems a little better. Still snotty, but not in the way you are thinking. hahaha =) Yeah, I think I'm funny.

I started catching it the day before yesterday. Then by the evening I wasn't feeling well and knew I was getting sick. Sore throat, headache, stuffy, sneezing, the works. I think I'm feeling a bit better today, I started using my Flonase yesterday in hopes to ward off a sinus infection since I'm so prone to them. So hopefully I'll feel great by tomorrow!

And you know, when it rains, it pours in this house. Petey started getting sick yesterday too. I won't gross you out, but he did really well in getting outside. He even did good overnight, and slipped just a little. But I think he's starting to feel better today, and even got a bath, so hopefully he'll be good as new.

All I gotta say is that Bryant better run for the hills.


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