I still can't believe how blessed we are! She came a month early, and the only thing that was wrong with her was a slight case of jaundice. Jaundice that didn't even require her to be put under the belly lights. How amazing is that?! No NICU, nothing. She must have definitely been ready to come, and she wasn't taking no for an answer. Does that sound like a girl to you?? :)
I also had my two week check up for my c-section on Friday. I'm doing good as well. The cut is healing nicely, and I've lost half of the weight I gained while pregnant, so I am thrilled about that! At my 6 week check-up, I fully expect to be back to my pre-pregnancy weight, if not a little lighter. God knows I could stand to lose a few more.... HAHAH!
Austin has been amazing with Sydney. We couldn't have asked for him to be any better. Sure he's whiney, sure he's testing us more than normal, but he's been such a good boy. We've been absolutely shocked. He loves his sister, and still asks to hold her all the time. We have to be really careful with him though- when he's done holding her he's done. And if you aren't paying attention, he WILL pick her up and try to hand her to you. NOT so good! EEKS!
But all in all it's going great. He's still sleeping at night, still taking his naps (which I pray and pray and pray that they continue) and still going potty in the toilet. That was a big concern of mine.... that he'd revert. But so far, so good! Wish us luck!! :)
My mom and dad left today. I'm sad. I already want them back. My mom helped us sooooo much. Cooking, cleaning, staying up with Sydney some nights, changing diapers, (the icky ones especially!!) keeping Austin entertained, letting me nap, ect, ect, ect! I don't even know what I'm going to do without her gone. Cope, like I did when she left after we had Austin.... but still!
My dad had his birthday while he was here. When he got up that morning, Austin informed him that he was "older than dirt." He may or may not have had coaching. :)
I think that's all our news for now! Hopefully my next update will be a great one!
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