10 for Tuesday
1. I had a doctors appointment yesterday and I totally forgot about it. So I didn't go. Obviously! The weekend was so hectic and busy and it didn't even cross my mind once! Oops!
2. Chelsea and Chris will be here on Friday for the weekend! I am so excited I can hardly stand it!!!
3. PAYDAY!!!! YIPPEE!!! Austin is napping, but once he gets up, it's off to the Commissary to get groceries... THANK GOD! I am happy to be able to go get food finally (we've been scrapping what we've got and making do...) however, I think I will cry once I see the total. We're literally out of everything.
4. Bryant joined his squadron football team again this year. Their first practice is tonight. I hope they have a few games before it gets too cold to take the kids. Austin is at the age that he will LOVE to see his daddy playing!!
5. My laundry is DONE! Great feeling! =) Now if I would just put it away..............
6. Do you know of Darius Rucker? He's a new-ish country singer.... my mom and I are going to his concert October 28th. It's my birthday present. Yup, I know, I'm a lucky girl!
7. I am contemplating on what to put Austin in this year for Halloween. Rachel had a good idea of making the boys Thing 1 and Thing 2, however, he's wanting to be Batman. And Flash. ..... he's really into these super hero dudes.... so I'm thinking I'm leaning more towards doing something like that. I want him to LOVE Halloween this year!!!
8. I am down 9.5 pounds since I started WW. I had a slack week last week, so only lost 1 pound, but hey, at least I lost!!! So I'm .5 away from being half way to my first goal! YEAH! Hopefully by the time I go home on the 22nd, I will be MUCH MUCH closer to my first goal (20 pounds lost).... or heck, even AT my goal!!
9. Sydney and Austin wore their Big Brother/Little Sister shirts today... they are so cute! As you can see from the picture above!
10. Austin has been napping for about an hour and 45 minutes... he just woke up and came downstairs and said "I don't have to go to nap...." hahaha, like he hasn't been sleeping for the past 2 hours... HA! That kid, I swear!
More tomorrow! Hope everyone is doing well!!! =)
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