You are such an amazing baby. You are so happy, and so smiley. You have brought so much joy into my life, I can't even begin to describe. I am amazed daily with you. It's the little things you do that tug at my heart strings. The little sideways smirk you get, the silly, noiseless giggle you have, the way you grab my fingers with your toes. You are just so sweet.
You have melted my heart, and daddy's heart as well. Your big brother is pretty fond of you as well. He often gives you kisses for no reason, and he always makes sure he kisses you good night. He's so good to you, you are very lucky to have him for a big brother.
At two months old, you already have incredible strength in your neck. You sit on mommy or daddy and hold your head up for a bit by yourself. Not too long though- or you turn into a bobble head. =) You are tracking people with your eyes. You know my smell. When you are fussy and I pick you up, you calm almost immediately. You also know my voice. When you hang out with Daddy when I go to the gym, as soon as I come home and start talking; even if you can't see me, you start wailing. Your hair is still dark brown, although lighter than when you were born, and growing! Your eyes are still blue, a very deep, beautiful blue. Your ears will be pierced within a few weeks of your 2 month shots, and momma can't wait. You soared through the preemie clothes, as well as your newborn clothes. You now wear 0-3 month clothing, and look soooooo darling in them. You have found your fists, and sometimes suck on them in between feedings. You take a pacifier, although gag yourself sometimes.... we think you choke on your tongue. Your legs are almost always moving. When laying on us, you "climb" up us. You also always grunt. It's amazing how loud you can get! Your lanky, skinny newborn body has been replaced with a full, adorably cute chubby body. Your cheeks go on for miles, and you have roll on top of roll. I'm happy to see that you still have your armpit wrinkles, I love those. As of right now, you don't think mommy nurses you enough. I think if I nursed you all day long, you still wouldn't be happy. You eat non-stop. Maybe that's why you have filled out so well. =)
And on that note, you are hungry.
Until next time, baby girl, I'll be loving you.
I love this blog. (well I love all your blogs buy you know...)
ReplyDeleteI wish I could hold Sweet Sydney.