Saturday, August 8, 2009

A bit behind...

I realize I've been slacking this past week on blogging, and I'm sorry! Can't seem to get normal this week, and it's kicking my butt! I still have an entire album left to upload from Twin Lakes, and I'll get to it. Just not today. =)

First things first.... Sydney rolled over yesterday for the first time!!!! Are you as shocked as we were/are?!?! She's only 2 1/2 months old!!!! Austin was almost 5 months when he rolled over the first time, I am just thoroughly impressed!!! Here's a picture of her right after she rolled over: (I took one of Austin, so I had to get one of her too!)

How amazing is that?! She's so great!! And yesterday she also laughed, out loud for the first time as well. It wasn't a long laugh, just a little one... but it was a laugh none the less. And she's got a cute one, I'll tell you what! =) She melts my heart daily. She is also smiling a lot more. When you talk to her now, she grins and grins, it's so sweet. She also watches Austin a lot. When he's dancing around in the living room, or hopping, she will just stare at him. Earlier today he was leaned over her playing with her hand and talking to her, and she was just grinning away. I didn't get the camera ready fast enough, and it was all over with, dang it! Guess I should be more on top of this!

This week, I've only went to the gym twice. I feel like such a slacker. Tuesday and Wednesday I was cleaning my house, the distaster it'd become. Dad H., Nancy, and Uncle Paul came Wednesday evening to stay for the night. They are driving to a reunion in Missouri, so they all stopped here on the way. They came bearing gifts for Austin- a new train track set to go with his old one. As well as another "tunnel" piece for it. He loves it. I will post pictures of that tomorrow. (Or Monday...haha)

Weigh in day was Friday. I have lost 2 pounds. Good job and all, but I'm discouraged. I thought my first week I'd see a fairly large number.... at least 5. With starting to work out, and being on Weight Watchers strict, I thought it'd shock my body into weight loss mode. I was wrong. I wonder if breastfeeding has anything to do with it? I don't know, but I'm still discouraged about it. I'll keep trucking, because I've got far to much weight to lose to quit. I want to be healthy for my kids. Plus I want to look hot, duh, I'm a girl. =)

Well, I better get the dessert made for dinner tonight. We're off to the Rey's for dinner. Tifiney and Dan Rey. They were both in my brothers class in school, and oddly enough just moved here from Germany. Dan is in the Air Force.... crazy small world!

Oh- and tomorrow is Austin's 3rd birthday!!!! THREE!!! WOW! Where does time go?! We're headed to church in the morning, and then after that, we're taking him to Toys R Us to buy a train, then to Chuck-e-Cheeze with one of his friends. He'll come back and open some presents, and then next Saturday we're having a birthday party for him. Spoiled boy!

Ok Ok, I gotta go! Have a good Saturday everyone!!


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