We went to Boise today to get a 3D/4D ultrasound of Sydney. It was such a great experience, and definitely worth the money paid. Thank God we saved for it. HA! We really enjoyed it though, it was a very relaxed environment and we were the only clients in at the time, so it was very quiet. Austin did well, he just played with the toys they had in there. He perked up to hear Sissy's heartbeat, and looked again at her once more, but that was it! :) Here are the pictures!

2D image of her being a girl!!!!! I was a little worried for some reason that I was going to end up having a boy instead of a girl... so it was a GREAT relief :)

She was yawning in this picture, and those are her little fingers :)

4D image of her bing a GIRL!! You can see the arrow pointing to where you need to be looking.

Her foot (left hand top of the picture)

This is my favorite one. You can see tat she's got Bry's nose, and my lips. YAY! Finally one of our kids as a trait of MINE! :)

Front view, she's all nice and squished up!

She's beautiful!

A little squishy! She wouldn't quit moving! She was even kicking the ultrasound tech...HA!

A little squishy again! It's so amazing how they can see all of this by just doing an ultrasound on my belly... that just blows me away!

She was wiggling around right here, her hand is up by her chin.
Anyhow, there they are! We are very proud of her!! The ultrasound techs both even commented on how beautiful she was during the ultrasound. I wish I could upload the DVD, but we can't figure out a way to get it to save to our computer and be uploaded. Oh well! It was an amazing experience, and I highly recommend it!! We went to Fetal Foto's in Boise!
I think it's awesome that you got to see her on the 3D US. And yes, she's beautiful! :o)