This is all for now, I can't get anymore to load for some reason! I *think* I'm almost finished... haha =)

Austin opening Buzz! Yeah! He's been wanting it!

More presents!!=)

She loooooved the ribbon!

Cutting the turkey

Lots of cute clothes for Christmas!!

And amazing toys!!

Cute lil cowboy!

Mama and Sydney on her first Christmas!
Put 'em up!!

Daddy and Sydney on her first Christmas!!
Great Grandpa and Austin having a cap gun fight =)

Isabel and Jen with Jen and Nic's new puppy Deuce

My handsome man =)

Their new puppy, Deuce

Three beautiful women

Unc with Austin... they love each other so much

A true cowboy!

First Christmas jammies!!!

Her other Auntie Jenn!



Cutest outfit EVER!

Uncle Jeremy and Sydney

Grandma Dee and Grandpa Rick with Sydney

Sydney opening a gift from Auntie Louana and Uncle Mike

Cousin Jennifer... she's a baby whisperer! Sydney fell right to sleep in her arms, and she
never does that anymore!!

Grandma Dee reading to Austin

Auntie Jenn and Austin playing a Cars game!

Aunt Beth... Sydney's look cracks me up

Aunt Beth reading to Austin... he sucks everyone in!

She's chewing on celery! Helpin those teeth come in

Opening presents

A stuffed dinosaur

Yummy wrapping paper!

Her first piggy bank! Came with money already inside(from mommy and daddy, not the store.. I WISH! haha)

Austin and daddy readin

Us and the kids in their Christmas jammies

Austin torturing Nana while her neck was out =(

Papa and Austin reading

Looking for Santa the night before Christmas

Setting out PB balls for Santa

He was super proud! (He put the milk on the other side of the fireplace...haha)

Santa ate the PB balls, and even dropped a present! cool!!!

The present that Santa dropped

WOW! Clothes!


Molly the Train! He hugged it to himself after he opened it, he was so excited

Hanging his ornament on the tree

Cool Spiderman hat!!!

Grandma GG getting big morning smiles from Sydney

She was pretty interested, I was shocked!!

Austin helping his sissy open her presents

Austin and Grandma GG playing puzzles

Sydney's first Christmas!!!!

Sydney looking all cute=)

Papa with Sydney

Papa with his Grandbabies

Getting ready to play with the V Motion that Gramps and Grammie Hines got him... He LOVES it!!!

Grandma GG with Sydney

Great Grandma and Great Grandpa with a few of their Grandchildren

Daddy playing with Austin's toys =)

Nana getting Sydney's feet

In his new cowboy hat... he loves it.

Yummy, Monster truck wheels!

Riding on his scooter from Unc and Auntie!

Aw, I love this picture... she loves her Unc.

Great Grandma and Grandpa with the kids

Unc and Austin

Nana and Sydney

Unc and Auntie with Austin and Sydney

Papa and Sydney

Mama and Austin at Papa's game.

Austin got to sit on the bench with Papa!

Me and my beautiful Mama

Nana with her grandbrats

Papa and Sydney

Unc, Auntie and Sydney
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