So I lied a little bit. I thought
Bry put in his bases preference list last time I blogged, but he hadn't. I guess there were a couple bases that we had on our list that he wasn't authorized for, so he held off to see if there was anything else we could do. So anyhow, he DID put it in this morning. SO, 120 days from today is the deadline. Hopefully we find out sooner, because I'm going to go nuts. =)
Austin came down with an icky cold yesterday. He was fine when he woke up yesterday, just a little
whiny. By last night he really was not feeling well at all. We sent him to bed with Motrin and Tylenol hoping he'd feel better today. But he's worse today... so no good. He only woke up once last night needing to blow his nose & get more medicine, so that's good at least. Today he hasn't been feeling real well, but has still played with his toys and ate Mac N Cheese. He wanted it for breakfast and lunch. Nutty kid. I gave it to him though. I mean... at least he's eating! So hopefully he doesn't get any worse, and I'm hoping I don't catch it. I seem to catch anything the kids do, so I'm sure it's only a matter of time. Poo!
Bryant and I decided that I would start cleaning out closets, packing up what we don't use/need much and getting rid of what we don't use and don't want. So I started that today. I went through our closet and got all our clothes that we don't wear and bagged them up. Got old comforters and blankets packed up and in the car. I'll be taking that stuff to the
Airmans Attic here on base. I also started going through Sydney's closet taking out all her too small clothes. I will probably keep my ear to the ground for someone who needs girl baby clothes and pass them on since I got so much given to me. Tomorrow I'm going to tackle the rest of the hall closet, along with the closet under the stairs. We were told we could go to the Recycling center here on base and get moving boxes for free. We'll just go buy tape and tape them back up.
When I move to Washington, looks like we will foot the bill for that. However, the AF will pay for our move from Washington to which ever base we get assigned to. So I guess it could be worse. At least we are only an 8 hour drive right now, so it shouldn't be too bad.
I forgot to mention before that Bryant's brother Jeremy and his wife Jenn came to stay with us over Valentine's weekend. It's the first time they've gotten to come here and visit us so it was pretty cool. We hung out around the house, the kids decided to get the flu the day before they came. Saturday we didn't want to stray too far from home since they were both still a little iffy... so we just went to the Bowling Alley and had lunch and bowled a game. By Sunday they both seemed to be doing somewhat better, so we
trekked to Boise. We shopped around a bit, and also went to Chinese for our Valentine's Dinner. Bryant and I have a tradition that every Valentine's Day we go to Chinese, so we couldn't break that! (Guess I'm going to have to figure out how to get him Chinese food to Greenland next year huh?!?!)
Anyhow, I loaded pictures below, so enjoy!

Do you see that tooth?! It's more
prominent now, but this is the only picture I have right now!

Eggs for the first time! She wasn't sure about them, but after she'd gum it and make a silly face, she'd yell for more!

My son is picking up my
OCD traits...uh oh. Do you think he has enough Lightening McQueen cars? He was missing one or two in this picture, and Daddy let him get another one yesterday. However his new one, like his new Mater, changes colors in hot/cold water.

Beautiful Sydney!

Austin got to meet Robin from Red Robin. We went to lunch afterwards, and he was very bummed that Robin wasn't there!

Austin's Ninja face, and his painted
frisbee. We were standing in line to get his name put on it. I loved it... I use to make these every year during Apple Blossom. He loved it!

Austin got to check out the back of an Ambulance

Austin met
Scooby Doo too! Boy oh Boy he was

Austin touched a snake. He wasn't too sure about it, and really didn't like it. He made me walk away really fast! I wasn't too fond of the head of it down there... it kept coming closer and closer... so I have to admit I was okay with walking away quickly.
hahaha =)

She LOVES sticking her tongue out now. If you do it to her, she will copy you... so cute!

At Nana and Papa's. She was laying on the floor using my dad's slipper as a pillow...weird kid!

Silly little sideways smirk... SO CUTE!

Found Nana's nose to suck on! We have a picture of Austin doing this to Nana too!

Pretty Sydney!!

Look at how Handsome he is =)

Austin and his Nana

First time eating a cracker!

Playing together. So cute.

Austin wanted a cracker since Sissy had one too.

Petey. He's almost 5 months old now! Time flies!

She got his tail!

She loves pulling on his face, ears, tail... anything she can get her hands on. She thinks it's so funny. Him? Not so much.
Awww, tired girl with her Glow Worm.

With Auntie Chelsea and Uncle Chris.

First fight! I loaded these backwards, sorry!

Austin at the
Wenatchee Wild game. He's howling.... too cute

Austin and his
Unc. He was
soooo into watching the
Pre Game.

Grandma, Aunt Deb, and Mom. 3 Beautiful ladies. <3

At the Wild game. Sydney was actually watching!
Pre Game show... lit the ice on fire, and sparks were coming out of the tip of his Hockey stick... pretty cool!

Austin at Papa's basketball game. He got to stand down there and high-five the girls as they ran out onto the court.

GG with Sydney

Nana making her "
grandbrat" giggle

My favorite picture of them. I love it.

Bowling. I win. =)

Austin bowling. When he did it this way, the ball literally went like .5 miles per hour. haha! He loved it though!

She's working on it! Going to be 10 months old this month, and still not really caring to crawl. haha..Spoiled much????? =) *Guilty*

Her hair is long enough for a clip!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Baby blues. And yes I forgot to wipe her face. She's a doll.
Hockey in Wenatchee? We went several times in Spokane loved it every second. Maybe I should move in with your parents too. Ginny