Blogger stopped letting me upload pictures after these few, so I'll load a few more in a couple days!
And now, for the main event: (Say that in an announcer voice, it's more appealing) =)
10 for Tuesday:
1. I went to Boise Saturday with Sydney. We went on a mission to find her birthday invites and decoration. I scored BIG TIME at a place called Zurchers. Great stuff there, and bargain prices. I was more than thrilled.
2. Bryant is on nights again this week. It's getting a little easier for me. And while I really dislike night shift for him, I'm slowly getting use to it.
3. 6 months. That's all the time we have left at Mountain Home AFB. It's a little surreal, and a little exciting. We are so anxious to know where our next assignment will be after his return from Greenland.
4. I'm in the process of getting a list together of things I want to do for the kids, and for Bryant before he leaves, and while he is gone. I'm going to make both kids either a blanket, or stuffed doll type thing with Bryant's picture in his uniform screen printed on it so they will always have Daddy, even when he's away.
5. I went on a retreat with PWOC last weekend. It was a ton of fun, and I really stretched my comfort limits. I didn't know many women there, three or four to be exact. I tested my limits with my fear of heights by climbing 40ft up a tree and jumping (harnessed of course.) It took me awhile once I was up on the platform, to actually get the guts up, but in the end, I did it. I do want to say that my fear of heights is cured, but um, no... not so much.
6. My sewing machine broke. I am not happy. One day it was sewing beautifully, and the next day, nada. NOT HAPPY. Maybe I'll get one for Mother's Day. hint hint
7. Our Wii also broke. We were NOT happy campers. Ok, I wasn't a happy camper. Bryant was secretly happy though. He was able to get his x-box360. Wait a minute... how does this work? His Wii breaks, and not even an HOUR later, we were at the BX buying a new game system. But my sewing machine breaks, and it's been almost a MONTH without a new one... I see a problem here.....
8. Sydney is sort of pulling herself up. Not up to standing position, but up to her knees. She's done this on the couch a few times, as well as a couple of her toys, and sink. I think it's time to move her crib mattress down a level before we have a baby falling out, hmmmmm?
9. Sydney is also eating a lot of table foods now. While she still eats baby food mixed with rice cereal, she's also eating pears, peaches, fries, chicken nuggets, Gerber snacks, Nutri-grain bars, Mac N Cheese, chicken....... I know there's more that I'm leaving out, but you get the drift.
10. Sydney's new word is "No No." For a few days I thought she was just saying "Nana" in a different way. But last night, I was giving her a bath, and she was turning to reach down the disposal of the sink, and I told her "no no" and she looked right at me and said it back! And then proceeded to do it every time after that when I told her "no no." Yes, it's cute now... until she's older and understands what it really means and still says it. =)
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