Now, on to Thankful Thursday:
*I am thankful for 2 new packages of Bandaides- Spiderman & Cars- to keep my son entertained for 4.2 minutes today. He had a lot of "ouchies."
*I am thankful I have been able to put my daughter on the floor to play for the past week for more than a mere 10 seconds before screaming for momma.
*I am thankful for a handy husband who knows how to do things. Like drop Sydney's crib mattress down to the lowest level so she wasn't konked out on her head when I went to get her from naptime today. She was sitting up happily playing. For sure she would have been on her head today. I just have that feeling.
*I am thankful that Austin has such a silly personality. Funny at times to me, not so much to him. Like yesterday, when we were getting into the car, he tripped over the garden hose and skinned his knees. He of course, crying big fat crocodile tears. Me, shoving a granola bar in his hands after large amounts of crying to quiet him down. He told me, "I can't eat this right now, I'm crying at the moment." Ooooookay.
*I am thankful that Sydney seems to be hitting her milestones. She's finally scooting across the floor on her belly, pulling herself with her hands. She's going from a laying to sitting position all on her own. She's eating big girl foods & small amounts of whole milk, all with no issues.
*I am thankful for Cash -N- Carry in Boise. This is the wonderful place that I can buy my 10 pound box of white chocolate powder for my morning 32oz (yes, I said 32oz) latte.
and sometimes I have two.
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