Ok, I pray... I PRAY that this is the last time we will have to exchange our furniture. We both feel really optimistic about this set, so lets just cross our fingers, shall we? Thanks.
Here's some pictures of our new set, and a few others from today and last night!

This is just showing that I moved our table deal onto the wall instead of back by the stairs were it use to live.

New couches. We really love them. So please please God let this be the last of them! haha! The delivery guy walked in today and said "Crappy stuff?" And I said "Sure is." He just laughed, knowingly. When they were taking out the old ones, he read the tag that said "Made in the USA." And when he brought in the new ones he read the tag that said, "Made in China." And he just cracked up. He said, "Well, sadly, these will probably hold up."

Sydney really seems to like them...hehe =)

My babies on the new couch.... do you see Austin's feet? ;)

They let Austin help them put the couch feet on. He thought this was the coolest thing ever!

Holding one of the feet on while they were screwing other ones in.

This guy was so nice to Austin. He showed him how to put the washer and nut around the screw and put it into the legs... then let Austin do it by himself.

As soon as the loveseat was up, he jumped right up and declared that he "looooves it."

This was this morning. Austin wanted to hold his sissy so bad! They look so sweet together!

This was this morning also. Austin was giving her kiss after kiss. It was too cute.

This morning also.... Sydney is really digging her bouncer chair today... and I'm digging that she's digging it... my hands have been virtually free ALL DAY LONG! =)

I made Austin a bed out of the couch cushions this morning while waiting for the new couches to arrive. He thought it was pretty neat =)

Austin on his "bed" with his new birthday jammies.

Last night he wanted to hold sissy too... caught him smiling so big at her. She was smiling huge at him too, I wish I had a way to show both their faces in one picture! Austin needs a mirror hooked to his ear or something =)
Anyhow.... there you have it. SOMEDAY I will get the last album from Twin Lakes loaded =)
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