Thursday, May 21, 2009

Just real quick....

Had my appointment for the baby today. Things are still looking great. My belly is measuring right on where it should be, and her heartbeat is nice and strong. She's head down still, like she's been since basically day one. Not that it matters I don't think with a C-Sec, but oh well, news is news. Got a tour of L & D today, so we know what to expect, where to go, and were parents will be waiting until I'm out of the OR. I can't believe that I have only 4 short weeks left. It's just crazy to think that we're going to have two kids. I'm nervous as all get-out, and Bryant is the calm one. Completely backwards from 3 years ago when I was pregnant with Austin. :) My next appointment is June 1st. Thereafter, I will be going in every week until the c-section. That oughta make things move right along!

Bryant left this afternoon to go camping with a couple guys. He will be back Saturday afternoon. Austin was NOT a happy camper when Daddy left. He cried and cried for his daddy, I felt so horrible. He got over it after I promised him McDonalds for dinner! :)
I have a friend coming in tomorrow afternoon that use to live here. She's back in Washington now, but decided to skip on out here to see me for the weekend. So we should have a fun time. Downtown Mountain Home is doing Crazee Dayz again already. It's a mini-carnival for the kiddos, and downtown is set up with booths and things, kind of like a fair. It's always fun, so we'll more than likely head down there Saturday.

My sewing projects are multiplying lately. I made Austin a pair of PJ pants, as I'm sure you saw in an earlier post. I've started Sydney's curtains for her bedroom, and actually am almost finished with them. I made a pair of "baby legs" the other day (which are basically glorified leg warmers for lil miss when she arrives.) and have bought material to make a baby sling so I can "baby wear." I could just go buy a sling, but who really wants to pay $50 or more for one when I can [hopefully] make one myself?! We'll see. I'll post pictures of my projects as I get them completed. I don't have a picture yet of the baby legs, but I'll get on that soon.

Anyways, it's late, and Austin is always a consistant alarm clock, so I'd better hit the sack.


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