I am like the worst blogger in history, I swear. I always think about blogging something, and I never do. Even though I know that a lot of the family enjoys reading them, or so they say. I just don't take the time to sit down and write one.
Shame on me.
I could give you an excuse, like that my computer is acting up, and 99% of the time won't even let me get on the internet- which is completely true. But when it does end up letting me on the internet, all I do is check my e mail, my facebook, and then close out. I'm awful, I know I know.
So around here lately things have been going like normal. Well, as normal as normal can be these days. The kids are great- growing like weeds. Just got over their first colds of the season. Bryant and I managed to escape it- thankfully. I don't think I've used that much hand sanitizer since Sydney was born.
My mom will be here on the 4th of November to help us get packed up and the house cleaned. We have to be out of the house around the 12th of November. Our inspection of the house is schedualed for the 15th, and we leave base the 18th. It's all coming so fast now. Looks like I will have to leave base a few days earlier than Bryant- since we will have the moving truck all loaded up. We can only afford to rent it for so many days, so my mom, myself and the kids will drive to Washington 2-3 days earlier than Bryant so we can get the truck returned as soon as possible. He will follow on the 18th. He should be able to leave around 10am on the 18th to head to Washington.
The remodel on my parents downstairs has turned into a LOT more than just a few walls of sheet rock. Another estimate came in, and they found out that their basement was not up to code. So that had to be done. They then decided that as long as they were doing all that, they might as well put the bathroom in downstairs. Which resulted in a new floor, sheetrock, shower, toilet and vanity. Then while all this was going on, they found out they had to replace the carpet in the downstairs as well. So that was put on the list. Then, they figured, as long as all this was going on, maybe they'd add some stuff to upstairs as well. So we may just possibly get to my parents house, and not recognize it. At all. I'm pretty excited to see it, personally!
This weekend has been a pretty good one. Today's Columbus Day, so Bry has the day off. He's sleeping. His wife is pretty nice to let him sleep in TWICE this weekend. Geesh. ;o) I threw my back out Thursday, not terribly bad, but bad enough that I was in pain. So Saturday we just hung around the house because it was still trying to heal. Bry went on a jog with Petey while Austin rode his bike along side, and Sydney and I just hung at the house. Yesterday my back was feeling quite good, so we decided to go to Boise. Sydney has been pulling her earrings out, so we needed to get her some screw back earrings so she couldn't pull them off. The only places that had those types of earrings were actual Jewlery stores, which wanted over $100.00 PER SET of earrings. Um, no thanks. I mean- kudos to those who can buy them, that's awesome- but we're a family of 4 with one income.... not even! So we decided we'd order online. But while we were there, we decided that Bryant needed some new shoes. So we ended up getting him some new shoes. I got my facewash from Macy's, we had lunch at McDonalds, (I bet you'd never guess who chose McDonalds for lunch?!?! ha!) and Mommy accidentaly threw away Austin's new Cars toy, so we went to Target to get him a new one. Bad Mommy. He was pretty upset about losing that one, it was afterall, brand new.
So enough rambling from me- hopefully I can get a few pictures of the kids loaded here soon!
p.s. I can't even get my spell check to work right now- so please kindly overlook my awful spelling! =)
Monday, October 11, 2010
Friday, September 10, 2010
It's Just a Friday
I am pretty sure I have two of the cutest kids in the world. Ok, THE cutest kids in the world. Hands down. Well, besides myself of course. I was pretty cute in my days. But really- these two? A-dorable.
Anyways, now that I'm done tooting my kids' horns for them- on to the mundane stuff. You know, Friday. It's the weekend. This week went so fast, I'm not even kidding. We got back from Bend on Monday, and it's already Friday. I swear we just got back yesterday. But really, it flew by. We got new bedroom furniture yesterday. We got a memory foam mattress, a platform bed with a high headboard, dresser, chest of drawers, mirror and two nightstands. As the dudes were setting it all up, I went upstairs to check it out. It was so beautiful. I finally feel like a grown up. And I said so. And they replied that they heard that exact same comment so many times a day. Mainly from women. So I guess I'm right on cue.
Speaking of on cue, there's the pictures of our new stuff. I told you it was gorgeous! And in the picture right above, look at the detail! The wood going different ways, and the square knobs. Ohhhh the square knobs. They're my favorite. Very modern, yet the set is so classic. Anyhow, I slept in this said Memory foam bed last night. And it was quite nice. It took a minute to get use to having a different bed, but I didn't wake up last night one hundred times because my hips and back were aching. It was so nice. Now, I did wake up, which I normally do, but I wasn't achy, and that, in my book, is a huge plus.
So anyways- nothing much going on this weekend. Sunday we're going to a friends house for a Mexican Themed lunch/dinner along with watching some football. So my question to you is, what is a must for Mexican food? Yes, you guessed right my friends. Margaritas.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
To My Boy
You are now 4. I'm getting this letter off late, but better late than never they always say.
The day that you turned 4, you turned to your dad and I and said, "Since I'm four, I'll do what I want, and I'm the boss." And I will tell you little man, you have taken that completely to heart. Since your birthday, you have become even more independent than you were before. You want your way, and you want it now. If you don't get your way, your attitude is bigger than a house. It's been difficult for us to say the least, but at the same time, makes us laugh so hard at the strong willed boy you are becoming.
However, you aren't all piss and vinegar, mister. Your personality is amazing to me. You can make anyone laugh at the drop of a hat; and the things that come out of your mouth sometimes leave me standing in shock. Some good some bad, but I'll take it!
One of your favorite things to do at this age is help me cook. Anything I am doing in the kitchen, you have to drag your stool in and help me. Even if helping in your book means licking sugar (or flour...yes you are special) off the kitchen counter. You love when I make you a pancake in the shape of a car, and I'm waiting for the day when you ask me to make Spiderman or some other ridiculous form. And chances are, I'll try, and you'll love it just the same. That's just how you are. You have a huge, huge heart.
You ask me every day if we can cuddle. You scoot right up under my arm with a blanket and lay there and watch cartoons. Then you get a silly bone and go wild. Seriously, wild. You think the silliest things are the funniest things, and I love that about you. You love your sister to death, and try to make her laugh when ever she cries. Even when she isn't crying, you are always doing some silly antic to make her laugh at you. You have been the best big brother, and I have no idea what I was so worried about.
You have a huge obsession with The Hulk right now. And I'm not talking about the cartoon. I'm talking full blown real 80's TV show Hulk. You watch it every day. Heck who am I kidding, you watch it multiple times a day. And when you aren't watching it, you run around growling and clawing stuff like you are Hulk. You want to be Iron Man for Halloween, but I'm really thinking of getting you a Hulk costume and painting your face green. You'd be perfect!
To sum up- you're perfect. You are handsome, loving, silly, playful, strong willed, and a fantastic big brother. I couldn't ask for a better son than the one you are. I love you so much- and I hope you never forget that. I will probably be the mom running up to you for kisses when I drop you off in 8th grade. No, I'm kidding, that would be embarrassing. Well, I might.
Love you Boog!
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Hello World
I haven't been neglecting my blog on purpose, I swear. I know it's been almost a month since I've posted anything. And yikes! I've just been really having a writers block, which I don't know why, considering we have been sooo busy lately!
Let me see. After Austin's trip to the zoo, we had a trip to Washington scheduled. My back went out the day before I was suppose to leave, so I ended up postponing a day or two. (Can't remember.) It usually is only bad for a week or so and then I'm back to normal. But it has been almost a month now, and while it isn't killing me still, it still is not the same. Scares me a little!
Anyhow, we went to Washington and my mom and I got the downstairs rooms and closet cleaned out. Chels and Cami came and helped one day as well. Since, we have been getting estimates on what it would cost to finish the downstairs. Tonight, hopefully is the final estimate and then we'll decide what to do.
I got to have a girls day with Chelsea. We went to lunch at Tastebuds, shopped, and just had a good time. It's been so long, and was waaaay overdue. Then I went that night with Chelsea and Chris (her hubby) to a birthday party.
The rest of the time was spent with a friend here or there, Austin's birthday party, spending time with the family and running errands. It was nice to be home, but being home made living there much more real. It made me realize what missing Bryant is going to be like, and Austin felt it too. It is going to be very hard being away from him for a year.
We got back from Washington last Friday and had a week of down time. I got the house picked up, laundry done, and then found out that Paul was back in the hospital with blood clots in his lungs. We packed back up and headed to Bend, Oregon on the next Friday. He's out of the hospital, and doing pretty good. It was so great to see him and Connie. We had a blast, and just being around them helped I believe.
So here we are, home again. Some other news I have, is that Bryant's final out date for this base has been changed from October 26th to November 18th. We are happy about this though- so no need for apologies! =) This way, we have more time to get the house ready and packed, and also Bryant will be with us for Thanksgiving. I could not be happier about that. Instead of him missing two major family holidays right off the bat, he will be with us for one of them. Very thankful!
So anyways, that's a quick update, and hopefully my fingers will type a touch more on this blog! ;o)
Let me see. After Austin's trip to the zoo, we had a trip to Washington scheduled. My back went out the day before I was suppose to leave, so I ended up postponing a day or two. (Can't remember.) It usually is only bad for a week or so and then I'm back to normal. But it has been almost a month now, and while it isn't killing me still, it still is not the same. Scares me a little!
Anyhow, we went to Washington and my mom and I got the downstairs rooms and closet cleaned out. Chels and Cami came and helped one day as well. Since, we have been getting estimates on what it would cost to finish the downstairs. Tonight, hopefully is the final estimate and then we'll decide what to do.
I got to have a girls day with Chelsea. We went to lunch at Tastebuds, shopped, and just had a good time. It's been so long, and was waaaay overdue. Then I went that night with Chelsea and Chris (her hubby) to a birthday party.
The rest of the time was spent with a friend here or there, Austin's birthday party, spending time with the family and running errands. It was nice to be home, but being home made living there much more real. It made me realize what missing Bryant is going to be like, and Austin felt it too. It is going to be very hard being away from him for a year.
We got back from Washington last Friday and had a week of down time. I got the house picked up, laundry done, and then found out that Paul was back in the hospital with blood clots in his lungs. We packed back up and headed to Bend, Oregon on the next Friday. He's out of the hospital, and doing pretty good. It was so great to see him and Connie. We had a blast, and just being around them helped I believe.
So here we are, home again. Some other news I have, is that Bryant's final out date for this base has been changed from October 26th to November 18th. We are happy about this though- so no need for apologies! =) This way, we have more time to get the house ready and packed, and also Bryant will be with us for Thanksgiving. I could not be happier about that. Instead of him missing two major family holidays right off the bat, he will be with us for one of them. Very thankful!
So anyways, that's a quick update, and hopefully my fingers will type a touch more on this blog! ;o)
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Our Weekend
Austin wanted to go to the Zoo for his birthday, so we did that on Sunday. I'm glad we went Sunday, because children 3 and under got in free. Austin was 3 for another day. =) So we only had to pay for Bry and I. Pretty sweet deal if you ask me! Here's a few pictures from our zoo trip.
On our little boat ride to "Africa"
Sydney talking to the Giraffes
Then after the zoo, we went to Dinner at Cafe Ole. It was absolutely delicious! Bry and I had wanted to try it since we moved here, and never did. We are quite mad that we finally did, right before we leave. It is SO SO good!
I finally got a couple of pictures of me and the kids. I'm sure people think that I never go anywhere with the family because I'm never in any pictures. =)
The next day, was Austin's 4th birthday. (Letter to Austin coming soon!) We made him a motor bike cake, he asked for it specifically.
I am very proud of it! I absolutely love how it turned out!
That day, he started his birthday out by running in our bedroom jumping up and down asking if it was his birthday and if he was 4. He was so excited. He asked for Chocolate Chip Pancakes. I was good, and didn't partake in those. I had a granola bar and coffee instead. =)
Then, his girlfriend best friend, Carley, called him.
They talked for a few minutes, it was the cutest thing I've ever seen!
We had a few appointments that day, so we ran and did that, and then came back to wait for people to arrive. He was so antsy all day long waiting to open presents and he really wanted the motorcycle off the top of his cake.
People arrived, and festivities began!
He isn't spoiled at all! And this isn't all of them! He has some waiting in WA for him too!
Sydney just woke up to watch Bubba open presents. She wasn't impressed.
AND HE'S 4!!!!!!!!!!!
We had a great weekend together, and Austin had a great birthday! We couldn't have asked for a better way to spend our time together!
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
10 for Tuesday
1. Sydney is doing better!!! Her smiles are back, she's playing with her toys, and laughing with her Bubba. I love love LOVE it!
2. Sydney has her FIRST dentist appointment tomorrow! They said they wouldn't do a cleaning, but would check her teeth, and just kind of get her introduced to being at the dentist. Hope she does well!
3. It's AUGUST already!!! Can you believe it? This year is flying by. So weird. Seems like we just celebrated Easter. How weird!
4. We have SO much to do the first part of August, I feel like my head is spinning. We have doctor appointments, a zoo trip for Austin's birthday, his birthday on the 9th, and a photo shoot on the 11th that I CANNOT wait for... so excited!!
5. I leave in 9 days to head to Washington with the kids. It isn't a trip home for play though this time- I'm going home to get the downstairs ready for construction, getting things moved out and around, the upstairs set up into my dad's office, and cleaning stuff up. We're having a contractor go in and finish the downstairs so the kids and I can have our own little apartment down there while Bry is gone.
6. Speaking of Bry being gone, we only have 2 1/2 months left until he leaves. It's so close, and it's really starting to weigh down on us. We've got to make the best of the time we have left though!! We'll be hanging onto memories until he returns home!
7. I'll tell ya, I've started a personal blog, started reading blogs, mostly military wives, and I'm really loving it. Bryant doesn't understand reading other peoples blogs, people that I don't really even know-- but it's comforting reading that other people really are just like me.... I don't know, I just like it. So there.
8. I watched the movie Food Inc. finally. I'll tell ya, I'm disgusted. Not that the movie was completely disgusting, parts were, but I'm horrified at how the animals are treated, how they're "grown," the conditions that they are raised in, fed, etc. It's horrifying. I urge you to watch it if you have not done so yet. I think it may change your mind on the meats, chemicals, etc that we put into our body. I might just be your next "Granola" mom/wife/friend, haha!
9. We have Netflix. And with Bryant's X-Box 360, we can watch "instant" on it from Netflix. Whenever Austin wants to watch something, it's always Netflix. His reasoning for it is, "Mom, I'm sooooooo exxcessssssed (obsessed) with Netflix!!!"
10. All I'm going to say, is that Albertsons is EXPENSIVE. I usually shop at the Commissary, but had to go to Albertsons to get diapers for Sydney. So I picked up a few odds and ends that we normally buy.... and wow. I felt like I was back in East Wenatchee buying groceries. EXPENSIVE. Ouch. I really do think that I heard my wallet groan.
2. Sydney has her FIRST dentist appointment tomorrow! They said they wouldn't do a cleaning, but would check her teeth, and just kind of get her introduced to being at the dentist. Hope she does well!
3. It's AUGUST already!!! Can you believe it? This year is flying by. So weird. Seems like we just celebrated Easter. How weird!
4. We have SO much to do the first part of August, I feel like my head is spinning. We have doctor appointments, a zoo trip for Austin's birthday, his birthday on the 9th, and a photo shoot on the 11th that I CANNOT wait for... so excited!!
5. I leave in 9 days to head to Washington with the kids. It isn't a trip home for play though this time- I'm going home to get the downstairs ready for construction, getting things moved out and around, the upstairs set up into my dad's office, and cleaning stuff up. We're having a contractor go in and finish the downstairs so the kids and I can have our own little apartment down there while Bry is gone.
6. Speaking of Bry being gone, we only have 2 1/2 months left until he leaves. It's so close, and it's really starting to weigh down on us. We've got to make the best of the time we have left though!! We'll be hanging onto memories until he returns home!
7. I'll tell ya, I've started a personal blog, started reading blogs, mostly military wives, and I'm really loving it. Bryant doesn't understand reading other peoples blogs, people that I don't really even know-- but it's comforting reading that other people really are just like me.... I don't know, I just like it. So there.
8. I watched the movie Food Inc. finally. I'll tell ya, I'm disgusted. Not that the movie was completely disgusting, parts were, but I'm horrified at how the animals are treated, how they're "grown," the conditions that they are raised in, fed, etc. It's horrifying. I urge you to watch it if you have not done so yet. I think it may change your mind on the meats, chemicals, etc that we put into our body. I might just be your next "Granola" mom/wife/friend, haha!
9. We have Netflix. And with Bryant's X-Box 360, we can watch "instant" on it from Netflix. Whenever Austin wants to watch something, it's always Netflix. His reasoning for it is, "Mom, I'm sooooooo exxcessssssed (obsessed) with Netflix!!!"
10. All I'm going to say, is that Albertsons is EXPENSIVE. I usually shop at the Commissary, but had to go to Albertsons to get diapers for Sydney. So I picked up a few odds and ends that we normally buy.... and wow. I felt like I was back in East Wenatchee buying groceries. EXPENSIVE. Ouch. I really do think that I heard my wallet groan.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Scary day.
Sydney woke up with a 103.4 fever. This isn't all too new for her, she runs high fevers a lot. But I just figured after being on antibiotics for almost a month, plus having her tubes in, that we would not see this number again. Boy was I wrong. By afternoon, around 4:30 actually, her temp was up to 105.2. And this is with Tylenol and Motrin in her system all day. I jumped up so fast it probably scared her and rushed upstairs to wake Bry. He needed to watch Austin so I could get her to the doctor.
They gave her her next dose of tylenol, drew blood, cathed her. Her urine and blood came back clean. Nothing elevated to an alarming level what-so-ever. He did look in her ears, and said that her left tube was in place, but her eardrum was red. Could it be infected? Or could it just be from having her tubes done and still trying to heal? Her right ear had blood in it, I assume from tube placement. But he could not see her tube. I will be calling the ENT in the morning to try to get her appointment that's on the 10th to earlier in the month. I think that with telling them what the ER doc saw they won't have a problem rushing her appointment.
We got home around 7pm from the ER. We tried to get her to eat some, which she wouldn't. All day. She then layed on me while I ate since she screamed in her highchair. She ended up falling asleep around 8pm on me, so I took her up to bed. She did sleep all night, which I am very thankful for since I am sick as well. We both needed our sleep.
She is napping now- which is an improvement from yesterday. She hate some apple jacks this morning, and a couple bites of banana. She also drank about 6oz of water- so I'll take what I can get.
I take her back in today so we will see what they have to say. I will be getting in contact with her regular pediatrician tomorrow to try and get an appointment with them asap. I almost want to ask them if I can get a referral off base for a second opinion. I just can't shake the nagging feeling inside me that they are missing something huge. I mean- she has been having high fevers basically since January. It is now August 1st with no improvement. She's had so many antibiotics in her little life than I even know what to do with- along with numerous testing and tubes placed. All to no avail. No child should run a 105.2 fever for no reason. Something is there. Something they aren't finding. And I want it found. I want answers. This is making my baby girl miserable, and that's NOT okay.
Anyhow, that was my day yesterday. While I hate hate hate her being so sick, I do have to admit that I love the cuddles. She layed on me all day yesterday, and wouldn't let me put her down. Even when I shifted positions, she would cry. She was just miserable.
Anyhow, I'll keep ya'll updated.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Sick is never fun.
Bryant and I got to go on a date last night. Without kids! It was nice to be able to sit down for a meal without having to feed kids, take them to the bathroom, keep them from screaming their heads off, or trying to entertain them while waiting for the meal. It was also very nice to eat something other than McDonalds.
We wanted to go to a little German Restaurant here in town. The lady that runs it does so from the bottom of her home. She is a native of Germany, and rumor has it that she prepares real German meals, and delicious ones at that. We were very excited about it, but by the time Bry got up and we got ready, we'd only have a half hour to eat and get out of her house before she closed. So we decided to try a new Mexican Restaurant. We were not impressed. I mean, if you like your margaritas with so much junk in them that it tastes like syrup, this is your place. For me however, not so much. We will return to our normal, Martin's.
Last night I started to feel a little hazy in the head. My throat was a little sore. I was praying it was just allergies getting the best of me, but by last night at bed time, I knew for certain that it was a cold. After dinner, we ran to Wal-Mart to get some Zicam for me, I've heard it works wonders. (Aren't you proud, Dad? We went to WAL-MART on our date night! Haha!) So I've been taking that since last night, but still am not feeling good by any means today. Sydney also woke up feeling yucky. She's been teething, so she's been fussier than normal, and very snotty. But this morning, she cried the whole time she was up, and was having the runs. Her fever was up to 103.4 when she got up, but down to 100.4 when I put her down for a nap. We'll see!
Anyhow, I just figured I'd write a little something. I have a fun little blog planned, but first I need to do our bills. Dun Dun Dun.
Until next time....
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Thankful Thursday
So I know it's been awhile since I've done one of these, but we're gonna give 'er a shot!
Today, I am thankful for:
*Granola & Fiber One yogurt. My first weight goal is still 13 pounds away, same as it was 2 months ago. Time to hop on that wagon and get going!
*A car that can fit in my garage finally. The leather in it is black, so it isn't scorching when we get in to go somewhere.
*A downstairs bathroom fan that is broken. So when we turn it on, instead of going off in the allotted time, it stays on all night long giving Petey white noise.
*Off brand Apple Jacks cereal-- in the big bag. The kids are loving them. And I'm loving how much you get for the price I paid.
*Healthy children. I've recently been reminded how fragile life is, and that you need to live in the moment, especially with your children. Every minute that passes is a memory that could be made. Soak them up. You never know when your days, or theirs, could end.
*Memories, pieces from my Grandpa. I'm still having a really hard time with his passing, but just looking up and seeing all the wooden signs that he made for me and my family, somehow makes it a little easier.
*Infant Tylenol-- for a teething little girl. She is getting 5, I repeat, FIVE back teeth in. Can we say OUCH?!
Last but not least, you know I have to mention this:
*WHITE CHOCOLATE LATTES!!!! Thank the good Lord that I have my own maker and can make them myself.... or we'd be flat broke!
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Monday, July 26, 2010
Time is flying.
I swear 'time' has wings. I remember when Bryant first got his orders to Greenland, it seemed like it was light years away. In reality, only 7 months. I remember us talking about how "It's still 7 months away, that's tons of time." But now, today, it's exactly 3 months away. I think it's really starting to settle in for both of us that he will be gone for an entire year. A whole year with no husband, no father, no companion, no sidekick, no texts, no cuddles on the couch, no warm body in bed. A year. We are trying to busy our minds by trying to think of things that he will need over there, material things, that will make the time pass a little faster. A computer, movies, digital picture frame, camera, games, nice comfy sheets. It's so much different this time, than it was when he deployed. When he deployed, I knew, God willing, that he would be home in 4-6 months. But this time. This time, he will be home in 6 months, but he has to leave again. A quick jaunt to Washington, and he'll be back on that jet plane to the middle of no where.
I can't imagine what is going through his head. What he thinks about. I don't think I could do what he does. I don't think I'm strong enough. I have so much respect for him, it's unreal. Being away from my spouse and kids for a year; to be somewhere with no one familiar, somewhere so desolate. I can't even imagine. I am so thankful that there are a lot of things to do where he's going to keep him busy. To keep him going. I am also insanely thankful that there is Skype, and telephones, and Internet. I have started brainstorming millions of things that the kids and I can do for him and send over so he gets things in the mail often. Something to look forward to, something to make him smile, and feel wanted and loved. And thought about.
Anyways, just had to vent. My brain hasn't shut off for a day now, and things are starting to feel really intense. Bryant always makes fun of me for missing something before it's gone, but I already miss him.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Our wait is over!
Are we excited yet??
Picture of a village where we will be....
YUP! We've finally got our orders for our next assignment!! Bryant will return from Greenland November of 2011, and we will head tooooooo..............
Ramstein AFB, Germany!
The above are a few pictures over there..... we are excited! It's a little bittersweet for me. Being so near family these past few years has been SO amazing, and I wouldn't change it for the world. It will be so hard to leave, so far away. But what an experience and journey this will be for our family! To be able to travel Europe, to see the sights. And can you imagine the photo opportunities I will have over there?! We are excited, and can't wait for you all to visit us in Germany!
Sydney's all ears!
Sydney finally went in on the 14th to get her tubes. Just wanted to update everyone, and let you know that she did wonderfully. From the time the doctor took her back to the OR to the time they brought her back to us was about 7 minutes total. Her breath reeked of the gas mask, so that was weird. She cried and cried and cried- but they warned us that was going to happen, and completely normal. Once she fully woke up, and had some to drink, and we were out of the building, she did great. She slept some on the way home, ate some cereal, and was smiling when she woke up.
Since she got her tubes in, she's done great. You wouldn't even know that she had anything done, except for the dry blood/drainage around her ears! She's normal, happy Sydney. She is listening better, and really paying attention to what we say... she seems to be understanding better- so I'm thankful for that. I don't think she was hearing too well before she got her tubes in with the constant fluid she had built up in her ears.
Anyways- Sydney is doing GREAT!
Vacation to Oregon!
We went to Oregon over the 4th of July to see Mike and Nancy. We also got to head to Sheridan to see Nane and Pa Hines--- so that was special of course! Jeremy & Jenn drove down for a few days as well while we were there- so it was a family affair!
The drive was a long one- 11 hours, with two kids. I don't recommend it! We did get to stop at Multnomah falls on the way- such a beautiful place. Wish we had longer to make the hike up- Austin wanted to so bad. But at that point, we just wanted to be to Eugene.
We went to Saturday Market, Sheridan, and just around Eugene. Nancy and I went up to our favorite winery and had a glass of wine, and took in the view. It's beautiful up there. I wish I would have had my DSLR, I could have gotten some amazing shots.
Another bit of news, that I am now able to share, is that Bryant and I will be an Aunt and Uncle! Bry's brother Jeremy & his wife Jenn are expecting their first baby! If I remember right, it will be the end of January!
All in all, we had a great trip to Eugene, lots of hippies seen, lots of memories made. Austin stayed an extra week with his Gramps and Grammie and got spoiled rotten; and Bry and I got to live in the past and remember what it was like to have one kid again! It was a nice break, but we missed the little bugger like crazy! He's home now and already back to his usual antics.
I have a couple more posts to make, so keep checking today- have some news coming up!
Here are just a few quick pictures of our trip- I took a zillion as usual- so will hopefully load a few more this next week.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Little update
Whirlwind, whirlwind. Time seems to be passing a little too quickly lately for my liking. The kids are growing too fast, and it's hard for me to think that it's already July.
First things first. Sydney was diagnosed with a kidney infection last week. She had started having high fevers again, so I took her in thinking she had another ear infection. Turns out, her ears were fine. They didn't know what was going on, and why she kept running fevers non stop. So they did some blood work, and had to give her a catheter to check her urine. They didn't get enough urine for an analysis, but it was enough for a culture. So they put a bag on her and sent us home after a couple hours. She woke from her nap and pee'd, so I took the urine in right away for her culture. We got a call that night from the doctor about 9:30 saying she in fact had a kidney infection. He asked if she'd ever had a UTI before, and I said no. He thinks that it's very very possible that she's been getting them frequently with how high her fevers have been, but because her ears have always been infected, they didn't look any further. He said UTI's almost always have a fever accompany them as high as 103. Sydney's fevers have been 103 and beyond many times in the past few months. Every time I have taken her in, it's an ear infection. She's been put on antibiotics each time, which has fought whatever it obviously needed to, but she always gets sick again shortly after her meds are completed. So anyways, she was put on a strong antibiotic, which also fights skin infections. (She had a bite on her leg that he has been watching, and to cover his bases, used a med that would fight a skin infection if it got to that point, which it didn't.) Anyhow, she's to be on this med for 10 days, twice a day, and then once per day until further testing is completed. We have another appointment today to recheck her urine and schedule follow up testing of her kidney's if possible. We were told that the condition that Austin has is usually an isolated event, and non-hereditary, so I'm just praying that she isn't going to have to go through the same ordeal Austin did. So that's that, and I will keep you posted on that. Oh, and her tubes also had to be rescheduled for July 14th, as we were not comfortable putting her under with an infection in her little body.
Sydney is crawling all over. ALL OVER. I was walking her around the house the other day, and we got to the point where she was holding on to one finger on each hand. I wasn't having to hold onto her. She then stopped, balanced herself, and completely let go of my fingers. And stood there. STOOD THERE, by herself! She's going to be walking in no time! We are headed to Oregon, and while there we will see Grandma and Grandpa Hines.... Austin took his first steps at their house, and we think it would be just cool if Sydney did the same!
Austin is almost FOUR. Can you believe that? FOUR YEARS OLD! I want to freeze them both right now. I don't want them to get any bigger, I don't want them to go anywhere. I want them to stay just like they are. I don't know how all you older parents have done it, having to say goodbye to your babies when they leave the nest. I have years and years left before that, and I'm already sad about it. I can see why there are families out there with 9 million babies... so they always have one to cuddle on, always have one in the home.
Anyways, back to Austin. Yes, he's almost 4 years old. He's got an attitude as big as a house, and he's funnier than any kid I've ever met. The things he comes up with to say keep me laughing all day long. He's in a stage right now, where he's afraid of the dark, even with his nightlight on in his room, he gets scared. He's been camping out often on our bedroom floor. He came in the room this morning about 2:30 scared, so he went to bed on his "make shift" bed on the floor next to our bed.
He's also in dire need of a haircut. Just thought you'd like to know that.
This afternoon, after Sydney's appointment, we'll be headed off to Oregon to visit Bryant's dad and step mom. Also will get to see Grandma and Grandpa Hines, his brother Jeremy and wife Jenn, and Aunt Connie and Uncle Paul. For those wanting to keep up with Paul's progress, click here . So we should have a great time, and we can't wait to get there. It's a LONG drive.... 11 hours. So we are not looking forward to that, but we get to stay about 10 days, so we ARE looking forward to that. I am really hoping to get to spend a couple days with Connie and Paul, instead of a quick visit... it's been so long since we have seen them, and they haven't really gotten to know Sydney. Connie saw her for a day when she was first born, and that's been it. It's been a year. Waaaaaaay too long in my book. Paul's gotten to come here a couple times with Mike though! Okay, Okay, I'm rambling now. My apologies.
We are leaving Petey with a couple of our dear friends here. They are seriously saints for watching him for us. We couldn't be more thankful to them! With all we do while we're in Oregon, it will be so nice not to have to worry about leaving Petey in his kennel all the time. And not to mention- Dad's backyard is INSANE.... perfect I mean. I do not want to be responsible for Petey ruining that. =) Not to mention all the allergies we'll have going on in that house with everyone there. Better all around. Plus, Petey will get to play with his buddy Otis, so they'll have a blast. Hopefully Jen and Anthony won't be insane by the time we get home. =)
Still no orders yet, as far as our follow on goes after Greenland. We are suppose to find out the first couple weeks of this month, so we will see how that pans out. I'm hoping and praying we find out sooner than later because it's making me nuts waiting. NUTS I tell you!
Ok, I gotta jet and get some laundry done & packing. I still have to pack Bry and I... oops. I am not, I repeat, NOT a procrastinator. I just like to do things a little...... last minute.
First things first. Sydney was diagnosed with a kidney infection last week. She had started having high fevers again, so I took her in thinking she had another ear infection. Turns out, her ears were fine. They didn't know what was going on, and why she kept running fevers non stop. So they did some blood work, and had to give her a catheter to check her urine. They didn't get enough urine for an analysis, but it was enough for a culture. So they put a bag on her and sent us home after a couple hours. She woke from her nap and pee'd, so I took the urine in right away for her culture. We got a call that night from the doctor about 9:30 saying she in fact had a kidney infection. He asked if she'd ever had a UTI before, and I said no. He thinks that it's very very possible that she's been getting them frequently with how high her fevers have been, but because her ears have always been infected, they didn't look any further. He said UTI's almost always have a fever accompany them as high as 103. Sydney's fevers have been 103 and beyond many times in the past few months. Every time I have taken her in, it's an ear infection. She's been put on antibiotics each time, which has fought whatever it obviously needed to, but she always gets sick again shortly after her meds are completed. So anyways, she was put on a strong antibiotic, which also fights skin infections. (She had a bite on her leg that he has been watching, and to cover his bases, used a med that would fight a skin infection if it got to that point, which it didn't.) Anyhow, she's to be on this med for 10 days, twice a day, and then once per day until further testing is completed. We have another appointment today to recheck her urine and schedule follow up testing of her kidney's if possible. We were told that the condition that Austin has is usually an isolated event, and non-hereditary, so I'm just praying that she isn't going to have to go through the same ordeal Austin did. So that's that, and I will keep you posted on that. Oh, and her tubes also had to be rescheduled for July 14th, as we were not comfortable putting her under with an infection in her little body.
Sydney is crawling all over. ALL OVER. I was walking her around the house the other day, and we got to the point where she was holding on to one finger on each hand. I wasn't having to hold onto her. She then stopped, balanced herself, and completely let go of my fingers. And stood there. STOOD THERE, by herself! She's going to be walking in no time! We are headed to Oregon, and while there we will see Grandma and Grandpa Hines.... Austin took his first steps at their house, and we think it would be just cool if Sydney did the same!
Austin is almost FOUR. Can you believe that? FOUR YEARS OLD! I want to freeze them both right now. I don't want them to get any bigger, I don't want them to go anywhere. I want them to stay just like they are. I don't know how all you older parents have done it, having to say goodbye to your babies when they leave the nest. I have years and years left before that, and I'm already sad about it. I can see why there are families out there with 9 million babies... so they always have one to cuddle on, always have one in the home.
Anyways, back to Austin. Yes, he's almost 4 years old. He's got an attitude as big as a house, and he's funnier than any kid I've ever met. The things he comes up with to say keep me laughing all day long. He's in a stage right now, where he's afraid of the dark, even with his nightlight on in his room, he gets scared. He's been camping out often on our bedroom floor. He came in the room this morning about 2:30 scared, so he went to bed on his "make shift" bed on the floor next to our bed.
He's also in dire need of a haircut. Just thought you'd like to know that.
This afternoon, after Sydney's appointment, we'll be headed off to Oregon to visit Bryant's dad and step mom. Also will get to see Grandma and Grandpa Hines, his brother Jeremy and wife Jenn, and Aunt Connie and Uncle Paul. For those wanting to keep up with Paul's progress, click here . So we should have a great time, and we can't wait to get there. It's a LONG drive.... 11 hours. So we are not looking forward to that, but we get to stay about 10 days, so we ARE looking forward to that. I am really hoping to get to spend a couple days with Connie and Paul, instead of a quick visit... it's been so long since we have seen them, and they haven't really gotten to know Sydney. Connie saw her for a day when she was first born, and that's been it. It's been a year. Waaaaaaay too long in my book. Paul's gotten to come here a couple times with Mike though! Okay, Okay, I'm rambling now. My apologies.
We are leaving Petey with a couple of our dear friends here. They are seriously saints for watching him for us. We couldn't be more thankful to them! With all we do while we're in Oregon, it will be so nice not to have to worry about leaving Petey in his kennel all the time. And not to mention- Dad's backyard is INSANE.... perfect I mean. I do not want to be responsible for Petey ruining that. =) Not to mention all the allergies we'll have going on in that house with everyone there. Better all around. Plus, Petey will get to play with his buddy Otis, so they'll have a blast. Hopefully Jen and Anthony won't be insane by the time we get home. =)
Still no orders yet, as far as our follow on goes after Greenland. We are suppose to find out the first couple weeks of this month, so we will see how that pans out. I'm hoping and praying we find out sooner than later because it's making me nuts waiting. NUTS I tell you!
Ok, I gotta jet and get some laundry done & packing. I still have to pack Bry and I... oops. I am not, I repeat, NOT a procrastinator. I just like to do things a little...... last minute.
Monday, June 21, 2010
I seem to be slacking quite a bit on blogging lately. Well, for the past few months. And I do apologize.... I seem to be saying that a lot lately!
This past Wednesday we packed up and headed out to the Bruneau Dunes to camp with Rick and Dee for a few days. We got there by about noon, and were packed back up and driving home at 3am. We got the FLU!!! Started with Bryant not feeling good, and heading to bed for the night, so we all turned in. Austin and I started not feeling well while laying in bed, Austin started shaking and moaning. (Bryant had been having bad chills as well while laying in bed.) I thought maybe he was just cold, so I held him in a recliner chair in the camper, and cuddled him. I ended up putting him in bed with Bryant because Sydney woke up. So I was cuddling Sydney trying to get her back to sleep and Austin started throwing up. At that point Bryant was not feeling well at all, and I wasn't either, so we packed it up. We probably looked funny driving through the gate, all of us had plastic bags on our laps in case we threw up. Austin lasted until we pulled into the drive way and started throwing up again. We got Sydney layed in bed, and made a bed for Austin on our floor to keep an eye on him. Bryant ended up throwing up before bed, really bad. So we finally were in bed by 4am, and I was not doing well, so didn't really sleep. It hit me bad when I got up with Sydney. (of course at 7:30am...which mind you, that's the earliest she's woken in a long time...go figure) So I ended up throwing up as well, and also other unpleasantness. HA. Austin woke up that morning feeling great, running around like nothing ever happened, eating, the works. So he was fine. Bryant still wasn't feeling great, but was doing better, and ended up feeling pretty good by that evening. Both of us had severe body aches and splitting headaches. Sydney escaped it, who knows how, but I am thankful for that. Bryant and Austin were fine after a day and a half and I'm finally doing better today. I still had an upset stomach for days afterwards, and only have a touch of a lingering one today. So hopefully we're all over it and it doesn't come back--- it was NASTY, and moved fast. Oh, and the day after we came home from camping, Rick & Dee asked to keep Austin and Sydney for us the next night since they were both feeling fine. So Bryant took them out where they were, and we ended up getting a phone call at 4:30am for Bry to come get the kids. Rick and Dee even got the flu! I'll tell you- it moved FAST and HARD.
Anyhow- Rick and Dee ended up staying here after they felt better for a couple days. We had a good time, BBQed and even got to eat a dinner outside. That was nice. I love warm weather! The kids loved having them here, and got extra loves and cuddles. They left last night for another show in Weizer, ID.
We've got a week and a half of down time and then we'll be headed to Oregon to see more family. Dad, Nancy, Connie, Paul, and Grandma and Grandpa Hines. Jenn and Jeremy will also be joining us for the 4th of July weekend in Eugene, so we should have a blast. I am so excited to see everyone. I think we are going to see if a couple of our friends can keep Petey for us while we are gone since we always do so much while we're there.... we don't want to have to worry about leaving him the whole day while we trek to the beach. (And we don't want to mess up Dad's perfectly manicured lawn!)
Today, I started The Biggest Loser Bootcamp DVD workout. WOW. That is tough! I was sweating & my legs were burning before the warm up was even over! Out of shape much? =) YES! But I'm excited. I know it will get easier for me, and I know I will see results. It's a 6 week course, done in 2 week intervals. I will do it M-F and have weekends off, which Saturday I will do the elliptical. After I finish this, I will have enough money saved (Only 60 bucks, mind you) to order Power 90 and start that 90 day course. I am determined to get my weight off, and I am so excited to start seeing results and for clothes to start fitting better. I am tired of having old, perfectly great jeans & other clothes, folded up and put away because I cannot fit into them. No more. That isn't going to be me anymore, and I am excited for that!
As for the kids- they are as ornery as ever. Austin will be 4 in just a few short weeks & Sydney is crawling around the house like she has always been doing it. She is a monster when it comes to food, if you have it, and she doesn't, WATCH OUT. She laughs, babbles and yells at her brother & Petey. Austin loves his sissy, and can't get enough. He tries to ride Petey like a horse when we're not looking & asks for a motorcycle daily.
OH! And we are SO CLOSE (or we should be anyways...) to finding out our follow on base for where we will be after Greenland. We are suppose to find out 120 days before we separate from this base, and that date would be right around July 5th. So only a couple more weeks and we should know were we will spend the next few years of our lives. I am so excited, anxious and nervous for it. The possibilities are endless, and while we filled out a "dream sheet" of places we would LIKE to be placed; in the end, it's the MILITARY, and they will place Bryant where he is needed the most. So what I'm saying is that we can get placed anywhere it doesn't matter. If there isn't anything open on our dream sheet, we can be placed elsewhere. So that's always a little nerve wracking to just not know. I will post on this blog AS SOON as we know where we will be stationed and you all can start planning your visit to us. HAHA =)
Well I gotta get some laundry and house work done while little miss is still sleeping, so adios for now!
This past Wednesday we packed up and headed out to the Bruneau Dunes to camp with Rick and Dee for a few days. We got there by about noon, and were packed back up and driving home at 3am. We got the FLU!!! Started with Bryant not feeling good, and heading to bed for the night, so we all turned in. Austin and I started not feeling well while laying in bed, Austin started shaking and moaning. (Bryant had been having bad chills as well while laying in bed.) I thought maybe he was just cold, so I held him in a recliner chair in the camper, and cuddled him. I ended up putting him in bed with Bryant because Sydney woke up. So I was cuddling Sydney trying to get her back to sleep and Austin started throwing up. At that point Bryant was not feeling well at all, and I wasn't either, so we packed it up. We probably looked funny driving through the gate, all of us had plastic bags on our laps in case we threw up. Austin lasted until we pulled into the drive way and started throwing up again. We got Sydney layed in bed, and made a bed for Austin on our floor to keep an eye on him. Bryant ended up throwing up before bed, really bad. So we finally were in bed by 4am, and I was not doing well, so didn't really sleep. It hit me bad when I got up with Sydney. (of course at 7:30am...which mind you, that's the earliest she's woken in a long time...go figure) So I ended up throwing up as well, and also other unpleasantness. HA. Austin woke up that morning feeling great, running around like nothing ever happened, eating, the works. So he was fine. Bryant still wasn't feeling great, but was doing better, and ended up feeling pretty good by that evening. Both of us had severe body aches and splitting headaches. Sydney escaped it, who knows how, but I am thankful for that. Bryant and Austin were fine after a day and a half and I'm finally doing better today. I still had an upset stomach for days afterwards, and only have a touch of a lingering one today. So hopefully we're all over it and it doesn't come back--- it was NASTY, and moved fast. Oh, and the day after we came home from camping, Rick & Dee asked to keep Austin and Sydney for us the next night since they were both feeling fine. So Bryant took them out where they were, and we ended up getting a phone call at 4:30am for Bry to come get the kids. Rick and Dee even got the flu! I'll tell you- it moved FAST and HARD.
Anyhow- Rick and Dee ended up staying here after they felt better for a couple days. We had a good time, BBQed and even got to eat a dinner outside. That was nice. I love warm weather! The kids loved having them here, and got extra loves and cuddles. They left last night for another show in Weizer, ID.
We've got a week and a half of down time and then we'll be headed to Oregon to see more family. Dad, Nancy, Connie, Paul, and Grandma and Grandpa Hines. Jenn and Jeremy will also be joining us for the 4th of July weekend in Eugene, so we should have a blast. I am so excited to see everyone. I think we are going to see if a couple of our friends can keep Petey for us while we are gone since we always do so much while we're there.... we don't want to have to worry about leaving him the whole day while we trek to the beach. (And we don't want to mess up Dad's perfectly manicured lawn!)
Today, I started The Biggest Loser Bootcamp DVD workout. WOW. That is tough! I was sweating & my legs were burning before the warm up was even over! Out of shape much? =) YES! But I'm excited. I know it will get easier for me, and I know I will see results. It's a 6 week course, done in 2 week intervals. I will do it M-F and have weekends off, which Saturday I will do the elliptical. After I finish this, I will have enough money saved (Only 60 bucks, mind you) to order Power 90 and start that 90 day course. I am determined to get my weight off, and I am so excited to start seeing results and for clothes to start fitting better. I am tired of having old, perfectly great jeans & other clothes, folded up and put away because I cannot fit into them. No more. That isn't going to be me anymore, and I am excited for that!
As for the kids- they are as ornery as ever. Austin will be 4 in just a few short weeks & Sydney is crawling around the house like she has always been doing it. She is a monster when it comes to food, if you have it, and she doesn't, WATCH OUT. She laughs, babbles and yells at her brother & Petey. Austin loves his sissy, and can't get enough. He tries to ride Petey like a horse when we're not looking & asks for a motorcycle daily.
OH! And we are SO CLOSE (or we should be anyways...) to finding out our follow on base for where we will be after Greenland. We are suppose to find out 120 days before we separate from this base, and that date would be right around July 5th. So only a couple more weeks and we should know were we will spend the next few years of our lives. I am so excited, anxious and nervous for it. The possibilities are endless, and while we filled out a "dream sheet" of places we would LIKE to be placed; in the end, it's the MILITARY, and they will place Bryant where he is needed the most. So what I'm saying is that we can get placed anywhere it doesn't matter. If there isn't anything open on our dream sheet, we can be placed elsewhere. So that's always a little nerve wracking to just not know. I will post on this blog AS SOON as we know where we will be stationed and you all can start planning your visit to us. HAHA =)
Well I gotta get some laundry and house work done while little miss is still sleeping, so adios for now!
Monday, June 14, 2010
Quiet morning
Today I have to take Sydney to get her 1 year shots. She's NOT going to be very happy with me I'm afraid. After that, I have another appointment for her at 3:45. Other than that, not too much going on. I rearranged my living room, and Tif helped, so Bryant didn't have to do ANY of it. I love it. Completely opens up the living room and doesn't make it feel so closed in.
I've been getting a few boxes packed here and there. Hopefully if I do this, things won't seem so stressful at the end when we're trying to get out of here. I'm going to have to clean the house before we leave, so I'm hoping that we can have everything boxed up and ready so I can get cleaning. We'll probably be in TLF for a few nights while I clean, and then we'll have our inspection and be outa here. (Not until October, remember)
Rick and Dee will be here either tomorrow night, or we will be meeting them at the Bruneau Dunes Wednesday for a few nights. They're wanting to camp for a couple nights out there, and then we'll all come back to our place. They'll head out Monday morning for a show in Weizer, Idaho. This will be Sydney's first camping trip- so we'll see how that goes. It will also be Petey's first camping trip... eek! It's been HOT here lately, and this morning it's already boiling... so hopefully we don't die out there! =)
July 1st we'll be heading to Oregon to see Connie, Paul, Dad, Nancy, and Grandma and Grandpa Hines. We're really excited... it's been awhile since we've been that way- and it will be so nice! Maybe I will get to do some wine tasting again, HINT HINT! =)
Oh- and if you are planning on breaking in while we're away I have a few rules. 1. Good luck getting past the gate. 2. Please mop my floors while you're here- I hate doing it. and 3. Wave at the camera on the way out so I know you stopped by. That's all.
Anyhow- Just wanted to do a small update- hope everyone is doing well!
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Small update
Just a couple things real quick!
Paul is in surgery... SO PRAY! Pray for Paul, for his healing, for his recovery.... pray for Connie, for peace inside her, for comfort.... pray for the surgeon, for wisdom, knowledge, and precision. They have another tough road ahead of them, and I can't even imagine how they must feel.
On another note- Sydney had her ENT appointment today. Her left ear was okay today, but will need a tube inserted in her right ear. She is scheduled for the 25th of this month. We won't know until the evening before what time she will be going in. The nurse said that they go from youngest to oldest, so she figures Sydney will be the first surgery of the day. Which means our check in time will be 6am. Hopefully this will help her tremendously! Suppose to be a quick procedure, and she will go home same day and just be sensitive to noise for awhile.
Just wanted to jot that down before I forgot!
Paul is in surgery... SO PRAY! Pray for Paul, for his healing, for his recovery.... pray for Connie, for peace inside her, for comfort.... pray for the surgeon, for wisdom, knowledge, and precision. They have another tough road ahead of them, and I can't even imagine how they must feel.
On another note- Sydney had her ENT appointment today. Her left ear was okay today, but will need a tube inserted in her right ear. She is scheduled for the 25th of this month. We won't know until the evening before what time she will be going in. The nurse said that they go from youngest to oldest, so she figures Sydney will be the first surgery of the day. Which means our check in time will be 6am. Hopefully this will help her tremendously! Suppose to be a quick procedure, and she will go home same day and just be sensitive to noise for awhile.
Just wanted to jot that down before I forgot!
Monday, June 7, 2010
Letter to Sydney
To my beautiful Sydney Linn:
You are One today. It's such a bittersweet day for me as a Mom.
You were brought into this world a month early, with worried sick parents. Your birth story is definitely one for the books. But, just as you have proven to be, you were so perfect, in every way. I remember laying in the operating room, holding my breath, waiting for the first wail to come from your lungs. I've never heard such a glorious sound, never in my life. Tears flowed from my eyes when the nurses said you were as healthy as you could be. I know you weren't the first preemie baby ever born, nor will you be the last, but you were my preemie baby, and I was so scared.
In one year, you have completely changed my life. You have filled a hole that I didn't realize I had. You have brought smiles to my face, love to my heart, and joy to my life. You have such a sweet soul, happy giggles, and warming smiles. I can't imagine my life without you now.
It took you 11 months to finally start sleeping through the night. 11 months to crawl, and 11 months for you to let mommy put you down. And as much as I wanted you to sleep, as much as I wanted you to crawl, and as much as I wanted my time without you attached to my hip, I did love it. I loved having you need me, I loved the closeness we have because of it. I love the way you look at me, the way you won't take your eyes off of me once you spot me.
And now, I love that you crawl around the house looking for me if you hear me. You crawl right up to me feet and raise your arms and open and close your hands to tell me to pick you up. I love the way you wrap your arms around me, and squeeze so tight.
And also, you not only sleep through the night, but just yesterday, you slept until 2:10pm. You have turned out to be a wonderful sleeper. You take one great nap per day, sometimes two, although shorter. You go to bed between 7:30 and 9pm each night, and usually wake no earlier than 9am. You are definitely making up for 11 months of no sleeping. I won't lie, I'm okay with that!
You despise baby foods now, and haven't eaten any in about 3 weeks. You love everything I put in front of you. I don't think I've found a food yet that you don't promptly shovel right into your mouth. You LOVE LOVE LOVE pears, and would eat a whole can at one sitting if I'd let you. You hate drinking from sippy cups, and will only drink out of cups that have a straw. If I let you drink my water from a straw, you hardly ever swallow it because it's so cold. You just let it run right out of your mouth. You enjoy stealing food of your brothers plate when we're out eating, and that makes him mad.
You love our dog Petey. You don't mind his kisses, and especially love pulling his ears. You squeal with delight when he comes around to play by you. He's so gentle with you, even when you poke his eyes, pull his ears & tail. You think it's just the funniest thing.
You love love love your big brother too. Your whole face lights up when he comes into the room, and you squirm to get near him. He plays peek-a-boo with you, and you laugh so hard. I hope you two will be close, and love and respect each other throughout your lives.
You have also finally taken to daddy. For awhile you were such a mommy's girl that you wouldn't have anything to do with anyone but me. But now, now, you can't get enough. You laugh endlessly with him, and a lot of times give him kisses before you do me. When I walk down the stairs with you after nap time, and you see a glimpse of him, your whole face turns into one huge smile. You definitely have him wrapped around your finger, remember that, and take advantage! =)
At one year, you are in size 5 diapers, 12-18 month clothing, and have endless leg rolls. I am so okay with that, they are absolutely adorable. You are crawling, and pulling yourself up on anything that's larger than you are. You can say Mama, Dada, Bubba, Nana, and Dog. Other words that have escaped your mouth a couple times are Papa, and Book. You are not the chatterbox that your brother was at your age, as far as actual vocabulary goes, but you are very very vocal in your own little language. You babble a lot if the mood strikes you, and love hearing your own squeals. You also love smacking your lips, and think it's the cats meow when you do this while eating. You do a little scrunch face all the time while breathing heavy through your nose that always has everyone in stitches. You have 3 upper teeth, with 2 more coming in; and have 2 lower teeth with 2 more coming in there as well. You have had endless ear infections your first year of life, and the talk of tubes are in your future. You also love the show Barney and just realized by accident that you love Yo Gabba Gabba as well. (groan from mommy)
Anyways baby girl, I just wanted you to know all the things you have been doing your first year of life- I hope you will love looking back at these letters and reading about yourself as a child. Remember, you are beautiful. You are strong. I love you more than you know, and I will always, always be by your side. I will be your friend, but remember, that I'm your mom first and foremost. Sometimes you'll need tough love, even if you don't think so. But don't let that shadow my love for you.
You are an amazing little girl, and my life without you would not be the same. I love you beautiful girl, so so much.
I love you,
You are One today. It's such a bittersweet day for me as a Mom.
You were brought into this world a month early, with worried sick parents. Your birth story is definitely one for the books. But, just as you have proven to be, you were so perfect, in every way. I remember laying in the operating room, holding my breath, waiting for the first wail to come from your lungs. I've never heard such a glorious sound, never in my life. Tears flowed from my eyes when the nurses said you were as healthy as you could be. I know you weren't the first preemie baby ever born, nor will you be the last, but you were my preemie baby, and I was so scared.
In one year, you have completely changed my life. You have filled a hole that I didn't realize I had. You have brought smiles to my face, love to my heart, and joy to my life. You have such a sweet soul, happy giggles, and warming smiles. I can't imagine my life without you now.
It took you 11 months to finally start sleeping through the night. 11 months to crawl, and 11 months for you to let mommy put you down. And as much as I wanted you to sleep, as much as I wanted you to crawl, and as much as I wanted my time without you attached to my hip, I did love it. I loved having you need me, I loved the closeness we have because of it. I love the way you look at me, the way you won't take your eyes off of me once you spot me.
And now, I love that you crawl around the house looking for me if you hear me. You crawl right up to me feet and raise your arms and open and close your hands to tell me to pick you up. I love the way you wrap your arms around me, and squeeze so tight.
And also, you not only sleep through the night, but just yesterday, you slept until 2:10pm. You have turned out to be a wonderful sleeper. You take one great nap per day, sometimes two, although shorter. You go to bed between 7:30 and 9pm each night, and usually wake no earlier than 9am. You are definitely making up for 11 months of no sleeping. I won't lie, I'm okay with that!
You despise baby foods now, and haven't eaten any in about 3 weeks. You love everything I put in front of you. I don't think I've found a food yet that you don't promptly shovel right into your mouth. You LOVE LOVE LOVE pears, and would eat a whole can at one sitting if I'd let you. You hate drinking from sippy cups, and will only drink out of cups that have a straw. If I let you drink my water from a straw, you hardly ever swallow it because it's so cold. You just let it run right out of your mouth. You enjoy stealing food of your brothers plate when we're out eating, and that makes him mad.
You love our dog Petey. You don't mind his kisses, and especially love pulling his ears. You squeal with delight when he comes around to play by you. He's so gentle with you, even when you poke his eyes, pull his ears & tail. You think it's just the funniest thing.
You love love love your big brother too. Your whole face lights up when he comes into the room, and you squirm to get near him. He plays peek-a-boo with you, and you laugh so hard. I hope you two will be close, and love and respect each other throughout your lives.
You have also finally taken to daddy. For awhile you were such a mommy's girl that you wouldn't have anything to do with anyone but me. But now, now, you can't get enough. You laugh endlessly with him, and a lot of times give him kisses before you do me. When I walk down the stairs with you after nap time, and you see a glimpse of him, your whole face turns into one huge smile. You definitely have him wrapped around your finger, remember that, and take advantage! =)
At one year, you are in size 5 diapers, 12-18 month clothing, and have endless leg rolls. I am so okay with that, they are absolutely adorable. You are crawling, and pulling yourself up on anything that's larger than you are. You can say Mama, Dada, Bubba, Nana, and Dog. Other words that have escaped your mouth a couple times are Papa, and Book. You are not the chatterbox that your brother was at your age, as far as actual vocabulary goes, but you are very very vocal in your own little language. You babble a lot if the mood strikes you, and love hearing your own squeals. You also love smacking your lips, and think it's the cats meow when you do this while eating. You do a little scrunch face all the time while breathing heavy through your nose that always has everyone in stitches. You have 3 upper teeth, with 2 more coming in; and have 2 lower teeth with 2 more coming in there as well. You have had endless ear infections your first year of life, and the talk of tubes are in your future. You also love the show Barney and just realized by accident that you love Yo Gabba Gabba as well. (groan from mommy)
Anyways baby girl, I just wanted you to know all the things you have been doing your first year of life- I hope you will love looking back at these letters and reading about yourself as a child. Remember, you are beautiful. You are strong. I love you more than you know, and I will always, always be by your side. I will be your friend, but remember, that I'm your mom first and foremost. Sometimes you'll need tough love, even if you don't think so. But don't let that shadow my love for you.
You are an amazing little girl, and my life without you would not be the same. I love you beautiful girl, so so much.
I love you,
Friday, June 4, 2010
Some pictures real quick
I know it's been awhile, I apologize... things seem to be crazy around here, and a little busy. We made the trip back to Washington for Sydney's 1st Birthday party, and it was a great trip. Had some awesome family time, and trekked up to Leavenworth for a day and had a blast. The kids did great & had such a fun time with Nana, Papa, Unc and Auntie. Got a little bit of friend time in with Chelsea & Chris, had Sydney's Birthday Bash, and then back to Mountain Home we came. Kind of a quick trip, but worth it in every way! Here are a few pictures from our trip... Blogger decided that this is all it wanted to let me upload today, so this is all you get for now=)
My wonderful parents at the Fish Hatchery in Leavenworth
Me & my baby girl
Unc & Austin
Mom, me and Sydney at the Fish Hatchery
Austin getting a piggy back ride from Auntie
Me, Sydney and Nic (Unc)
Sydney loving her Unc
Caught Bryant playing with Sydney's birthday toys =)
My mom has a new camera with a WONDERFUL setting on it... it makes you look really skinny... HAHA! =)
Family picture at Sydney's FIRST birthday!!!
She LOOOOVED her cake =)
Happy girl eating lunch!
The cake I made her!
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