I told you I was going to start regular blogging again. 10 for Tuesday's is just a way to get a few of my random thoughts, opinions, anything for the day out.
1. I took Austin to the doctor today. He's been having issues with allergies, so I finally got him in and got him some allergy medication to start taking. Hopefully it will help clear him up. I asked the doctor if allergies were genetic, and he said, "Oh yes, very highly genetic on the mother's side." Which goes to explain a lot, since I've had allergies since I can remember. Hopefully it won't get bad enough with Austin like me to have to get testing done, resulting in weekly shots. Guess only time will tell!
2. Sydney's hospital bag is ready, except for her "take-home" outfit. I have my favorite 3 picked out, and Bryant likes them, but wants to look through her clothes to see if there's something he likes better. Once it's picked out, her bag will be completely ready. I got a nursing gown yesterday at the BX, and am starting to kind of think about what I want in my hospital bag. I can't believe we only have 3 1/2 weeks until D-Day! (.... or C-Day....)
3. Austin colored today. With a sticky note and a pen. And his face. And hands. And arms. He says they are tattoos.
4. Bryant washed our vehicles yesterday. Then we took the top off the Jeep and rode down to the BX. Austin loved it. Daddy's Jeep is his favorite ride, I think. He got to ride in it again today to the doctors, and was incredibly upset when we arrived back home and had to get out. He tried to buckle his carseat belts back up so he could stay in there.
5. I've finally got my digital SLR off of "Auto" mode. I'm starting to learn the other settings, finally. Let me tell you, I've got A LOT to learn. Thank God for free information on the internet as well as my camera instruction book. I think I need the "Nikon d60 for Dummies" book more than ever now! Hopefully I'll get it ordered soon. Probably not, but hopefully. :)
6. We found the cloth diapers that we're using on target.com! I was so happy. Target always has fairly quick shipping, so I was okay with that! They come in packs of two, and I finally have a yellow one! They're called bumGenius One Sized. We are pretty excited about them. So we're ordering one two pack per pay day! I think we have 7 so far. Only 7 more to go! UGGH! :)
7. I think my Swiffering days are over. It's really a PIA to swiffer the ENTIRE downstairs after sweeping it. Plus, it was leaving streaks all over the floor, and I noticed wee little foot prints all over the floor when I'd use the swiffer. I went and got a Libman Wondermop, and am back to my mop and bucket days. Pinesol is always my best friend, and am glad that I can use it on these floors. It doesn't seem to affect the pergo, so I'm going to keep on doing it! .......just don't tell housing!
8. Austin's starting to laugh at his cartoons now. He's understanding them some, and it's been so cute to watch him. He's watching Max and Ruby right now, and they're playing something kind of like Freeze Tag. He's thinking it's incredibly hilarious watching them be so silly.
9. I'm beginning to get a little anxious for the C-Section. The one I had with Austin didn't go all too well. I'm hoping it was just because it was an emergency c-section, therefore it was really rushed. I had a lot of effects afterwards that I now know I wasn't suppose to have. I'm just really praying that this one goes a lot more smooth so I can enjoy our new munchkin more than I felt I was able to with Austin.
10. Our neighbors ran into their garage door. Now they can't open it, nor can they park inside, considering they cannot open it. Which I'm sure they are not liking because they always parked inside. They very seldom used their front door, always their door through their garage. I, on the other hand, as well as Bryant think it's pretty funny that they ran into the garage door. It's not cheap.... and for another matter, KARMA IS A *****!! They're the ones that stole our recycle bin a couple months ago after theirs blew away in a wind storm. So there. :)
what a great idea! 10 for tuesday - i think i will copy you lol. i love that little pic of his camo tush lol
ReplyDeleteI am very proud of myself that I am 100% caught up with your blogs! Yay! lol
ReplyDeleteSooo, you have annoying neighbors too, eh? Hopefully yous aren't as bad as ours.